
Today’s Prayer (03/23/2019)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to live for You, starting today. May they truly desire to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight and no longer walk in sin. May You take them by the hands and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light. I know that there are many people on a road to destruction, where in their eyes, they feel like they are saved. I do not wish these people to die this way and to face the truth of their actions come judgement day. Instead, I wish people would start reading the Bible daily and find time to truly give themselves over to You in prayer. Maybe then will they start seeking You more often and desire to have a relationship with You, God. Then, will they be led by the Spirit and enjoy Your blessings from above. I know that our own works can do nothing good for our future, but Your good works, plus our faith, can move mountains. We can do all things with the Spirit of God in our lives. Nothing is impossible with You Jesus giving us direction. I am truly blessed, Lord, just to know Your will, by reading the Bible daily and through prayer. Your words have helped deepen my walk with You and now I can truly do what You have said. My walk is no longer led by my own hand but by Your works in my life. Thank You for taking me away from my hurtful desires. I was on rocky ground until you firmly placed me on Your rock. Now I am safe and am able to endure in this faith till the end. I am grateful for everything You have done for my life and pray that You will continue to lead me in the ways that are right. I trust in You Lord. I love You. Amen.
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