Today’s Prayer (01/30/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for people who are lost in the LGBTQ Community. These people love what is evil and justify their sins like there is nothing wrong. Surely, the devil has caused

Today’s Prayer (01/28/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for those who are in countries where persecution is on the rise. I know that many people have lost their lives because of their faith in You. These martyrs

Today’s Prayer (01/27/2023)

Daily Prayer: God, there isn’t anyone I can trust that will always judge me righteously but You. I know of nobody who has judged with righteous judgment each time like You. When it comes to

Today’s Prayer (01/21/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people will stop listening to Satan. I fear that the majority of this world is already under his control and don’t even realize it. The same can be

Today’s Prayer (01/18/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that the Mormon church will be no more. That this cult will crumble and fall before our very eyes. Even in my lifetime, I’d love to see this happen.

Today’s Prayer (01/17/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to faith. The gospel is being preached in all the world, but we need a revival. Too many people have dead faith and need

Today’s Prayer (01/15/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that every false teaching will be cut out of people’s hearts. That they will not be tied down to something or believe things that are untrue. So many people

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