Oh Lord, I pray that Your love and peace will rest upon our souls. Help us to love like You love others. May people in the faith see You in us, that we may have...
Prayers (06-2021)
Today’s Prayer (06/29/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will remember to keep Your laws and statues, no matter if they seem hard or not what we wish to do. As for me, my immediate family is very...
Today’s Prayer (06/28/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your words will come alive in us. That they will take off in our minds and in our hearts, that we may really learn from Your hand and not our...
Today’s Prayer (06/27/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people who are lost in false religions and cults will be saved. I know that it is impossible while they stay attached to it, so I pray that more...
Today’s Prayer (06/26/2021)
Oh Lord, my God, and my delight. I worship You. I give You praise. You are worthy. Have Your way in me, my King. Set me on Your righteous and holy path this day and...
Today’s Prayer (06/25/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to wake up to their sins. I am afraid that too many people who believe they are saved are not. That because they live in a willful...
Today’s Prayer (06/24/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me remain faithful until the end. The flesh is weak, but You are able to make me strong to resist temptation. From reading the Bible daily, I...
Today’s Prayer (06/23/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will keep me safe from the enemy. Keep me on holy ground, that I may not fall victim to the evil schemes of the enemy. It is so hard...
Today’s Prayer (06/22/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be ever with me. Help me to not be led astray by money, the things of this world, and into false beliefs. Teach me how to live my...
Today’s Prayer (06/21/2021)
Oh Lord, help me to love one another as You do on earth. May I learn to see people as You do. So many people are treated unkindly and that needs to stop. So do...
Today’s Prayer (06/20/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will continue to be nourished by our father on earth and especially You, God. I am grateful for what my earthly father has taught me and raised me to...
Today’s Prayer (06/19/2021)
Oh Lord, help me shine Your lights for all to see. You are my God and I wish to bring others to know You. Thank You for saving my soul, by forgiving me of all...
Today’s Prayer (06/18/2021)
Oh Lord, thank You for the pastors in my church. I pray that You will be with Him and continue to lead Him by the hand. His desire to have this calling in the church...
Today’s Prayer (06/17/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of every person in this world. We were each created for a very special purpose. Unfortunately, not every person realizes their potential with You in their lives. I...
Today’s Prayer (06/16/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will come to know Your desires and not what our family traditions are leading us to believe. One tradition in my family was genealogical work for the dead, of...
Today’s Prayer (06/15/2021)
Oh Lord, I love You and only wish that You would lead me in the ways of righteousness. I just know that my own desires get in the way so often and I am very...
Today’s Prayer (06/14/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will not perish in unbelief in these last of days. May people who say they believe in You also build a firm foundation with You at the head...
Today’s Prayer (06/13/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people are abiding in You at this time. That their rest comes from You and not the things of this world. So many distractions are out there that only cause...
Today’s Prayer (06/12/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will prepare for Your coming. We may not know if we will be one of those people who will be alive when that day happens, but we will live...
Today’s Prayer (06/11/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will stir in each one of us a desire to live for You. I know that there are homosexuals out there that still believe in You, but their sinful...
Today’s Prayer (06/10/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will find You in all their trials and temptations in life. This includes me, God. As much as others, I need Your help in every sticky situation that life...
Today’s Prayer (06/09/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that all people, who say they believe in You will have their hearts, eyes, and ears wide open for You. Then, can You come into their lives and teach them the...
Today’s Prayer (06/08/2021)
Oh Lord, may Your Spirit abide in us at all times. Help us to love one another in the faith as much as we love You, God. It is my prayer that we will never...
Today’s Prayer (06/07/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that each person who says they believe in You will also walk worthy of their faith. That what they say in church will also be seen in action. Not only in...
Today’s Prayer (06/06/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will raise up more evangelists, teachers, pastors, elders, and other willing servants for Your church. There is so much more that could be getting accomplished if more people were...
Today’s Prayer (06/05/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will do unto others as You would do unto them. As we would desire to be treated, that we would treat one another in the same way. Help us...
Today’s Prayer (06/04/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me and others live for You. We are incapable of doing this on our own. Even Your ten commandments are out of our reach of keeping without...
Today’s Prayer (06/03/2021)
Oh Lord and my God, keep me and others in the faith strong in what is right and praiseworthy. Keep our hands from doing anything that would go against Your will. I do not wish...
Today’s Prayer (06/02/2021)
Oh, Father, who art in heaven, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to earth, in order to die for our sins. I am so grateful for His sacrifice on the cross. You didn’t...
Today’s Prayer (06/01/2021)
Oh Lord, we rejoice just to know You. To have You in our lives is more special than anything we will ever know. Because You are alive and our God also, this means that You...
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