
Today’s Prayer (06/11/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will stir in each one of us a desire to live for You. I know that there are homosexuals out there that still believe in You, but their sinful lifestyle is keeping them from Your presence. Just like if I kept having sex outside of marriage, had an adulterous affair, or kept looking at porn, I would be in the same state as them. You have shown me all this, God. That sexual sin will keep a person from going to heaven, where instead, their destination is hellfire and damnation. And for this reason, I pray for their salvation. You have led me to speak to many different homosexuals and couples over the years and I am so grateful for that. Some of them have been accepting of Your words, but others have come mocking me and You in their defiance. I wish that each of them would be convicted of their sins and confess them openly unto You. You are so good to us, God, and I pray that every person will understand their need to be washed by Your blood. Yes, Jesus, the blood that was shed for us on the cross. If people would submit their lives to You, then could you do a work in them like never before. Where it was impossible for them to change, You are able to do that in them for Your glorious purposes. I know that In your kingdom sin cannot abound, that is why I live in Your holiness. Thank You for coming into my life, that I may be a worthy servant because of You. I love You. Amen.
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