Today’s Prayer (06/23/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will keep me safe from the enemy. Keep me on holy ground, that I may not fall victim to the evil schemes of the enemy. It is so hard to get those evil thoughts out of my mind when they are placed there, but with You in me, these thoughts have to leave. For darkness cannot abide in Your light. Your light is stronger than any impurity that may try to enter in. Therefore, all I desire is to be in Your presence at all times and in all places. Keep me upright so that falling is not an option. This life can be hard, but it is also that much more bearable and easier to go through when You are with us, God. Even when persecution rises, I won’t have to worry about suffering on my own, for You will be suffering right there with me. Your peace is beyond my understanding and I am grateful that it is for me also when times are difficult and when times are good. I need Your peace and guidance all the days of my life. What lies ahead of me is unknown, but I do know that what comes my way will be for my learning and growth in the faith. I don’t fear people or even death. If You have me, then I know that my place will be with You in heaven someday. I believe in You. I trust in You, God. I love You. Amen.