The Holy Ghost was bestowed upon God’s people, Christians, at the day of Pentecost. This was around 33 AD.
Inspirations (12-2022)
Today’s Inspiration (12/30/2022)
The first mention of the word “Church” comes from Jesus. He mentioned how it would be formed after the Holy Spirit comes.
Today’s Inspiration (12/29/2022)
The church would begin at a future event. This was the day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost.
Today’s Inspiration (12/28/2022)
Acknowledge your sins before God. Don’t hesitate to cry unto Him, while pouring out your heart.
Today’s Inspiration (12/27/2022)
When Jesus returns the wicked will melt like wax in flames of fire. How fearful they will be when they see the Lord coming.
Today’s Inspiration (12/26/2022)
People in all the nations are glad because of God and His work in their lives. The Lord judges the people righteously.
Today’s Inspiration (12/25/2022)
The birth of Jesus is the greatest event to ever happen on this earth. This is when our King came to save us from our sins. Paul Gee / December 25, 2022 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (12/24/2022)
The true reason we celebrate Christmas is not about Santa Clause or presents, but about Jesus and His glorious birth.
Today’s Inspiration (12/23/2022)
People have forgotten about Jesus during the Christmas season. The precious birth of Jesus is slowly being forgotten.
Today’s Inspiration (12/22/2022)
Santa is a substitute for Jesus on Christmas. True Christians can see this, and therefore, don’t let Santa influence their children’s lives. Paul Gee / December 22, 2022 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (12/21/2022)
Santa/Satan doesn’t want children to pray to God for their wants and needs. Instead, he wants children to make a list for him.
Today’s Inspiration (12/20/2022)
He who exalts himself will eventually be brought down. We are filled when we are hungry for God’s Words.
Today’s Inspiration (12/19/2022)
Jesus did come those two thousand years ago. God came down and became flesh. He lived a perfect and sinless life.
Today’s Inspiration (12/18/2022)
Mary had found favor with God. Therefore, she was told that she would bring forth a Son, who is called Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (12/17/2022)
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were priceless gifts, and still, they were given willfully to Jesus, the Messiah.
Today’s Inspiration (12/16/2022)
Jesus’s birth is the best thing that has ever happened to mankind. God became flesh to save His people from their sins.
Today’s Inspiration (12/15/2022)
Jesus is the reason why we do anything during this Christmas season. We remember His glorious birth.
Today’s Inspiration (12/14/2022)
Mormons teach a false doctrine that says that eternal marriage was given to Adam and Eve, but as time went by it was taken from the earth.
Today’s Inspiration (12/13/2022)
If baptisms for the dead was performed by church leaders in the past, then these writings would be available to Christians today.
Today’s Inspiration (12/12/2022)
Young children are not accountable for their actions. When they die, there is a special place prepared for them in paradise.
Today’s Inspiration (12/11/2022)
If Jesus has changed your life and you are saved through His blood, make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (12/10/2022)
The fear of God is missing in people’s hearts. Therefore, they often say they are saved without any desire to live for Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (12/09/2022)
What Mormon missionaries talk about is not what Christians believe in or have kept to be true for the many years of their lives.
Today’s Inspiration (12/08/2022)
Give your praises to God Almighty. Make your vows before Him and be confident in keeping them also.
Today’s Inspiration (12/07/2022)
Mormon missionaries need to stop what they are doing and go home from their mission. What they are doing is not doing God a favor.
Today’s Inspiration (12/06/2022)
Do not receive Mormon missionaries in your homes, nor tell them Godspeed, this way you won’t be partaking in their evil deeds.
Today’s Inspiration (12/05/2022)
Hell opens up its mouth to receive every worker of iniquity upon death. Even people who feel like they are saved.
Today’s Inspiration (12/04/2022)
Remember to pray often. Ask God to hear your voice, that He may give ear to what is on your heart and mind.
Today’s Inspiration (12/03/2022)
God is my supplier. He satisfies my soul. When I am thirsty, He gives me drink. When I am hungry, I am fed.
Today’s Inspiration (12/02/2022)
Wait upon the Lord. The best things in life comes from His hands. He is my rock and my salvation.
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