Remember God And Obey His Laws

Many things we are attached to in life are idols and must be forsaken to be in His will. Look at the second commandment, for instance.

Led By God Versus Yourself

Being led by God is much different than being led by your own self and hoping or thinking you are saved.

Many False Teachers

Only Satan desires that you stay in a place where people’s ears are being tickled but the Word of God is being silenced.

Live Apart From Sin

There was a time, in days past, that each of us lived apart from God. We did what the lusts of the flesh desired.

All Unbelievers Go To Hell

My destination was also hell. My old life was so far gone. I had no control over my flesh. When it was weak, I gave into the pleasures it desired.

Repent And Bow Down Before God

It is true that each of us have a choice to believe in and follow Jesus. However, one way or another, all will, one day, “bow down before him”.

Are You Ready To Die?

It is a very sad day when a family member or friend passes away, that didn’t believe in God for salvation.

Church Is The Body Of Christ

Don’t be a phony but a warrior for Christ. When all your friends are going out drinking and invite you to tag along, just say no.

In Humility, Pray To God

Commune with the Lord, anytime of the day, in prayer. It isn’t about numbers. God is always waiting for us to find rest in His presence.

Judgement For The Wicked

One day soon, the wicked will tremble before the Lord in judgement. They may not be so keen to is judgements now but after death they will have no choice but to surrender to Him.

I Call Upon God, Who Saves

God’s ways are good. He is the meaning of all good things. The Father’s great love changes lives. What the Lord offers, people would run for, if they truly knew the meaning.

Come To Know God And Give Praise

Choose ye, this day, whom you will serve. I pray that your heart is compelled to repent, if you are in sin. If you are covered by the blood of Jesus, then rejoice.

God’s Mercy, Our Mercy

Get back up when you sin. Humble yourself and come to God in prayer for deliverance. God continues to beckon us home, though we have strayed.

Preaching On Isaiah 53

One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was Mormon.

Fallen Into Sin? Repent!

We know that habitual sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever sin.

Fret Not And Live For Christ

How can you know what God wills for your life? Can you live a life of faith if You haven’t gotten to know Jesus and His teachings?

Saved From Death Into Life

The next day, I turned on a Christian radio station and the song lifesong, by Casting Crowns, was playing. In this moment, an incredible feeling of peace came over me.


The definition of effeminate or malakos, in greek, is the passive male partner in homosexual intercourse–‘homosexual’.


How deep are the sins of the world we live in today. Technology is wonderful for many different reasons but also very destructive in the lives of millions.

Sexual Sin

The Bible teaches, “thou shalt not commit adultery”. However, It is more than having sex with someone that is married, that is not our spouse.

The Joy Of Serving The Lord

So many seeds were planted and lives were changed because God opened the doors. The Lord has done great things through me simply because I was willing and open to His counsel.

Live By Faith

If your heart has drawn cold to the things of God, then wake up from your slumber. No longer be on the fence of doing God’s will over what the world offers.

Following Jesus Brings True Joy

The Lord teaches us to follow Him and do His will. We are weak but He makes us stronger. Each day that we seek Him we are able to do good works through Him.

The Foolish And The Wise

When our eyes are opened to the goodness of God then it will become clear that He is real. That Jesus is the way to eternal life.

The Lord Is Our Strength

When you feel glad, praise the Lord. Lift up the name of Jesus in song and worship. God does so much for us.

Passing Out Tracts At A Gay Pride Festival

Walking through the festival you could feel an eerie feeling inside. These people are truly in need of the Lord in their lives. They are so lost and don’t even realize it.

Judgement Day

In judgement, I will be anxiously awaiting my time with the Lord. I love Jesus with all my heart and can’t wait to be with Him.

Churches In Our Day

There is no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ. The words of the Bible are our guide. Those that read God’s word daily will know the way.