
Today’s Prayer (10/13/2022)

Oh Lord, I come to You in open arms. I admit that I am a sinner. You know my thoughts and my intentions for today and this week. Hear my prayers and confessions this day. I am sorry for my sins and pray that You, Jesus, will cleanse me through Your blood. In my tears do I write this and acknowledge that Your wrath is real. Help me dear God to walk in Your statutes. I have fallen way too many times and need You to keep me upright. I believe that You died for my sins, Jesus, and receive that atonement for my life. Forgive me, God, and have mercy for my sins. If there is anything I have not confessed that needs to be, bring those things to my remembrance also. I know that You are not ok with any unconfessed sins. And Lord, help me to also forgive others as You forgive me. Many people have hurt me in ways that is hard to not be angry with them. But instead, I will freely forgive and not keep any grudges, for I know that You don’t keep grudges over us once we are forgiven. You are greater than us all, Father, and I need Your mighty help to live in this world, and also be Your light in the darkness. I love You, God. Have Your way in my life, Jesus. I trust in You. Amen.
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