Give Your Burdens To God In Prayer

God helps His children in Israel and also His adopted children, through faith in Jesus Christ. We are all gathered into His fold and He is our Shepherd.

Sanctified By The Lord

I pray that you will heed what God told Moses, when he said, “go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes.” (Exodus 19:10)

Recommit To The Lord

Come to the Lord with a sincere heart in prayer. Unload everything that is on your mind. Cry out to Him for comfort.

Abortion Is Evil

Allowing an evil act such as abortion comes with many consequences. This is doing what you think is right, though it goes against God’s will.

Thieves, Witches, And Idolaters

When it comes to witchcraft and idolatry, people should immediately know how wrong these things are, if they were familiar with the teachings of the Bible.

Relief From Depression And Suicidal Thoughts

Pray often and allow others in the faith to pray over you also. Reading the Bible is also what you need to be doing daily, in order to withstand the temptations of the devil.

Are You Saved?

To continue to live in willful sin is telling God that He doesn’t matter and is storing up His wrath for that wicked person’s life.

Follow Jesus And Do His Will For Salvation

As is taught, come judgement day, people are either going be found innocent or guilty. The one key factor is if people believed in and followed Jesus for salvation.

Are Your Praises To God Or Man?

Make the Lord a priority in Your life, then will you do things that honors Him. Then will praises and thanksgiving come forth from Your lips to Jesus, our Lord, in prayer.

Follow Jesus And Not Prophets

Since Jesus is our mediator to the Father we can come to Him specifically in prayer, and no longer have to go through a man any longer for answers.

The Fall Of Lucifer

God also spoke unto Isaiah regarding the fall of the person we know as the devil, from heaven and onto the earth.

Made Whole Through Jesus

Trust in God, that He will restore your heart. Your fight is over. Come back into His loving arms. It is never too late to come back to Christ.

What David Did Out Of Fear

Now, David’s second lie was having the need to get a weapon, because he said the king required it to be done in a swift manner.

My Lord, My Hero

I take pride in knowing Jesus by reading the Bible. His words impact my life, each day that I read. I meditate on His message of hope for it lifts me up.

Sing Praises To Our God

The Lord is “mighty in power; His understanding is infinite”. We have no fear for He is on our side. He knows us all by name. We are precious in His sight.