
Passing Out Bibles To Everyone

Today was a special day to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. There have been many great days to be in the service of God but this one was all so special. A group of us had been preparing for the day where we would reach all of Boise Idaho, that are lost, through the Bible, and today was a great beginning. We had been sharing the gospel at doors and on the streets and it has been going very good. However, what we were missing was the opportunity to pass out Bibles at every door and street corner. I am so grateful for Patrick’s ambition to get 5,000 bibles for this cause. This ambition led us to get enough “Gospel of John” booklets that we needed and then go forth in faith, to start passing them out. We started our endeavors, knocking doors. Those that were home, we offered prayer and the “Gospel of John” booklet. Those that weren’t home, we left the booklet at their door. One women was so grateful to receive it, even if it was only a part of the Bible. Another lady was so grateful to have us at the door that she invited us in. From the moment we met her, God was working in her life. It had been a while since she had been to church and when we mentioned communion she got teary eyed. It was as if she had been waiting for a moment like this to get back on track with God. As we talked with this sweet lady, she was open to the message of the gospel, from the beginning. Although, some of her ideas were off basis, we tied everything back to Jesus and what the Bible teaches. That although there was guilt in her life for what she was doing, God could change it all. He could break the chains of addiction. If she put her trust in God, His promises would be unfolded unto her.  1Even Jesus would prepare a place for her in heaven. What an amazing time it was to read the Bible with her and invite her to church. We had to leave, but I won’t forget the wonderful time we had together. It was a pleasure to leave her with prayer.

After we left this neighborhood, Patrick, Jaron and I, all went downtown to continue passing out the “Gospel of John” booklets. It was awesome to have Jaron with us, as this was his first time street evangelizing. So we picked up where we left off and started asking everyone that passed us by if they wanted a Bible. To our surprise, about every three people accepted one. We had a little over 50 of these booklets in my bag and all of them but three were given out. It was as if God was preparing the way and leading us to the lost. Many people were grateful as they received the “Gospel of John”. They would look back at us and say, “thank you”. During this walk, we met these three young women, dressed up in costumes. Because of how they were dressed it led us to meet them and start a conversation. Because we didn’t judge them and were kind, we were able to have a meaningful conversation. One of them even desired prayer, so we prayed all together for her sister. Another girl accepted the booklet on John. Praise the Lord! Shortly after talking with them, we were drawn to these three people with very tall dogs that had spots on them like cows. The dogs were very interesting indeed and brought in a lot of attention. One of the people received the “Gospel of John” booklet. That led in to a conversation on God and the Bible. We each explained why we were on the streets and our conversion stories. We explained that we were all sinners and will either be judged by our sins or be saved because of the blood of Jesus. If we believe in Jesus and make him the king of our life than we are saved. Although they didn’t accept this all to be truth, they listened. Now it is in their hands to do something with the message. We were grateful to plant the seeds. The Spirit was so strong today. All I know is that God was in control.

Let us pray:
Lord, thank You for this glorious opportunity to pass out Bibles. You surely prepared a way for us to do so. There were few of us but doors opened wide that more Bibles could be given out. You did it all Lord. We put our trust in You and You did the rest. Thank You so much. I know that lives change by putting our trust in You. Just by reading Your words, there is peace. There is wisdom and knowledge each time we pick up the Bible to read. You speak to each of us differently. Your words are alive and lead us all safely on your path to eternal life. I can see the never ending joy that comes into the lives of those that believe in You and trust in Your words. Not our own selves but what You can do inside of us. I know You can make me a better person each day. There is nothing I’d rather do than to serve You. You are the king of my life and I am honored to worship You. I love You. Amen.

Let us read the Bible:
Note: Any Numbered References, found above, are listed below.

1John 14:1-6 (KJV)
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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