“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)
The Great Whore
In this vision, John could see that judgement was poured out upon this woman in purple and scarlet, of which sat upon a scarlet beast ...
Jesus Is The Last High Priest
In this new covenant with God, Jesus is the last high priest and earthly high priests no longer exist ...
False Teachings In Mormonism
There should be only one decision to make and that is to follow Jesus and what He taught in the Bible and no longer follow after the ...
Understand And Teach God’s Laws
When it comes to knowing what God's law is and supposed to do for a person we go to God's Word, for the teaching ...
False Teachers Among Us
Please know that God is not a God of confusion. That is why he spoke to men throughout the Bible and taught them the right way to ...
Fellowship In The Church
Truly a church that is on fire for the Lord are also church goers who are loving on, encouraging, praying for, and doing what they can to ...
Utah Mission Trip (04/05/19)
The God I know would not add to His words, the Bible. He would also not have another book that contradicts the Bible in so many ways ...
To Know God’s Way More Perfectly
Please know that it is not the person that God hates but every wrong way. This includes ever false teaching, belief, doctrine and sin in this world ...
There Is No Marriage In Heaven
To be clear about what Jesus said, when speaking to the Sadducees, our marriages do not last past death ...
Joseph Smith And His Life Of Polygamy
In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his ...
Doing Good On The Sabbath
Jesus knew the evil intentions of the Pharisees and did not approve of their murmurings, one to another ...
Examining 3 False Beliefs In Mormonism
So let's see if we can piece this all together for everyone to understand. Again Mormons state that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers but the Bible is ...
Pushing Evil On Others And Disregarding The Needy
In the day that we live in, there are laws that says that if a licensed priest or pastor does not marry a homosexual couple, that same ...
God’s Wrath Is Upon Mormons
God has no joy in Mormon missionaries and their service, for what they teach is blasphemy to God's Word ...
Mary Rejoiced In Her Son, Jesus
After arriving at Elizabeth's place, in the "city of Juda", she "saluted Elisabeth" to get her attention. Then, after hearing her greeting, "the babe leaped in her ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/08/18)
What is true is the Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and not Gethsemane, as the Bible teaches. That Deacons are to have one wife ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/07/18)
Why is it that God cursed the white people of the Book of Mormon and caused them to have black skin when the God of the Bible ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/06/18)
We shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with him, particularly the importance of the cross and how Jesus paid the price for our sins ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/04/18)
I pray that many people will come to faith and for those that have known God, will come back to Him. We give this trip to God ...
Jesus Is God
The Bible is clear that Jesus is God and also our judge and creator. He is our Lord God and deserves our praise and worship ...
After Death Comes The Judgement
Those that die in their faith, have done more than just believe. They have realized that faith without works is dead and therefore did as God's Word ...
Willful Sins That Keep Us Out Of Heaven
Once we all realize that that sins, mentioned in the Bible, are wrong, it is good to turn from it and repent ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: 2 Nephi 25:29 – Part 1
Since Jesus and the Father are both considered God, then to worship them both is good. It is good to worship the Father and Jesus, our Lord ...
Rescued From The Mormon Church
Only through God can we be safe in this life. Through Him and His Words, in the Bible, we can know what is truth and be led ...
Joseph Smith Exposed
Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." ...
Book Of Abraham Review: Part 3
The claim that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God needs to be investigated, especially what he supposedly translated ...
Book Of Abraham Review: Part 2
Joseph Smith acted as a prophet, so we really need to do some research to see if this translation is accurate or not ...
Book Of Abraham Review: Part 1
Because Joseph Smith stated he translated different figures in a papyri, we really need to know if it holds any water ...
Joseph Smith Translation
The Mormons don't always mention the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) book, per say. However, they do reference it in all their KJV Bible's ...
Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things
The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the ...
Joseph Smith: Examining 5 Of His Revelations
Joseph Smith was the first prophet of Mormonism. Let us look at 5 things that he revealed to the world to see if they are on par ...
Seducing Spirits And Doctrines Of Devils
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible that you may not be led astray ...
Judgment Day Has Come
As you watched people go before the Lord, on bended knee, they would begin to proclaim all the good things they had done and why they should ...
Tried The Apostles And Found Them Liars
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new "so-called" revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches ...
Friday Night Evangelizing (04/20/18)
As she was telling us her story, I knew that the Lord could help her. As these thoughts came into my mind, Chris asked if we could ...
Lord, Judge Me Now
Too many so-called Christians have died and gone to hell because they thought their own good works would save them ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 4:1-3
The Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus is vital to our salvation. Our sins can be covered, because of the cross ...
Do You Truly Love God?
If you have not given your life to Jesus, do so today. No longer delay the day of your salvation. The Lord is waiting ...
Witnessing To Mormons At The Door
I continued to talk with the couple and explained that the Bible clearly states, in Revelation, that if you add or take away from God's Word that ...
Friday Night Evangelizing (01/12/18)
As we walked along the streets, many people took our handouts, including the Gospel of John and Gospel Tracks. Some people were not so interested but others ...
Joseph Smith Translation Of The KJV Bible Examined
Mormons now believe that the Bible is corrupted and Joseph's re-translation of the King James Version Bible was necessary ...
Friday Night Evangelizing (01/05/18)
When Jesus died on the cross, He was the last offering for sin. We can now be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. After sharing this, he ...
Jesus’s Name Examined In The Book Of Mormon
In the Bible, you will see that there are no references to the Name, Jesus, Christ or Jesus Christ, until Matthew 1:1 ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 4:2,3
The Book of Mormon claims that if we lived before the birth of Jesus, we can be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. This is contrary to ...
Remember God And Obey His Laws
Many things we are attached to in life are idols and must be forsaken to be in His will. Look at the second commandment, for instance ...
Friday Night Evangelizing (11/24/17)
Shortly after talking with these two gentlemen, my walk led me to another awesome discussion with a wonderful young man ...
Witnessing At the Meridian Idaho Temple Dedication
Upon arriving to their temple, I was energized to talk with as many people as I could. I invited everyone walking down the sidewalk to take the ...
Trust In God Over Man
Because of the vast amount of churches, now a days, check their doctrines and teachings with the Bible ...
Halloween Night Evangelizing: 2017
After preaching, I met this young man, who was with his friends. I asked him if he believed in Jesus Christ and he said no ...
Be Open, Even When Things Appear Hard
Some people would rather keep believing something contrary to the Bible in order to not break up families and relationships ...
Witnessing At The Meridian Idaho Temple
Most visitors left in their cars but some walked home. One young man came out of the temple and started walking on the sidewalk, near me ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/15/17)
After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/14/17)
This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/13/17)
By the public train, we split up and started sharing the gospel with those that would listen. There I met this wonderful man ...
Utah Mission Trip (10/12/17)
While talking with this man, Patrick brought up the fact that during the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple was ripped in half ...
Come To Know God And Give Praise
Choose ye, this day, whom you will serve. I pray that your heart is compelled to repent, if you are in sin. If you are covered by ...
Preaching On Reading The Bible
We are so blessed to be led by the God of the heavens. I asked the people to cherish every day that they have to read it ...
Preaching On Isaiah 53
One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was ...
Are You In Idolatry?
Worshipping idols includes, spending our time and effort into having the luxuries in life through money, spending most of our time on our cell phones or watching ...
Who Do You Follow?
Paul taught about people being divided in the faith. Some would say to him, "I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and ...
Thou Shalt Not Make Any Graven Image Nor Bow Down To Them
Let this be the day that you begin your journey on the Lord's path. If you are not familiar with the commandments of God, become familiar today ...
Endure To The End And Do Not Be Deceived
This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily ...
Love God’s Commandments
My soul delights in the precepts of my God. His laws are my comfort and keep me safe. I feel so close to Him when I am ...
Utah Mission Trip (05/07/17)
As the service got over, many people came to speak to us. They said, how grateful they were for us coming. They asked where we came from ...
Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)
As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling ...
Witnessing To Mormon Missionaries
Know that if the Bible is teaching something contrary to your faith than there is something wrong with it and not the Book ...
Evangelize: Poplar Street
Those in the faith of Jesus Christ are part of His body. We are all made up in the body of Christ and not a church building ...
Evangelize: Butte Street
We encouraged these people to go church and listen to what their friend has to say about Jesus. That He is the way and we are only ...
Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me
Only false believers of God would say "there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many)." ...
Idolatry In The Mormon Faith
Attending the Mormon Temple and doing ordinances there in is breaking God's second commandment, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" ...
Only One God
There are no other gods beside God, the Father. Cast aside any false teachings about God in your heart ...
Evangelize: Post Street
The Lord led us further around the corner and the first house we knocked on was a very sweet lady. She opened the door and came right ...
Heaven Or Hell?
I declare that there is a heaven and there is a hell. All those in heaven are in paradise with the Lord. All those in hell are ...
Evangelize: Downtown Boise Centered On Jesus
As the night went on, I was able to hand out a devotional card on Jesus to one lady who openly took one. Her words were, "I ...
Accept The True Gospel of Jesus Christ
After death comes judgement and we will be judged for what we knew and denied. Will the Lord accept you in heaven or deny you? ...
False Prophets
To follow any one but Christ alone leads to death. Our eyes must be opened to the Lord lest we fall into dark paths that don't bear ...
Love God And Not Idols
Turn away from your false beliefs, leave the religion that teaches that idolatry is good, and come to Christ ...
Call Out The Lost
Proclaim the truth to the Lost , like Jesus. Approaching them is not hurtful but loving ...
Leave Everything For Jesus
To Jesus I give everything. Nothing is more important than to follow Him ...
Added To The Bible
Comparing the KJV and JST translations, seven was removed and twelve was replaced. Also, seven Spirits of God was removed and twelve servants was replaced ...
Do Not Add To The Bible
Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible ...
No Marriage In Heaven
The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life ...
God’s Word Is In The Bible
If any of you are following a religion that has beliefs outside the Bible I pray that you stop attending. No longer do things that feel comfortable ...
Believe In Jesus Of The Bible
What saddens me is that many people I've talked to are closed off to God's Word. What they've learned throughout their life is more important than hearing ...
Hail God And Not Mary
God deserves all our praise. Only Him alone we should worship. Cast aside any other god's and idols in your life ...
Mary Rejoices In The Lord
How blessed is Mary among women. She was a chosen vessel to bring forth the Son of God. Her story was of amazing love for her Son ...
Beware Of False Prophets
In our day, there are many false prophets. They come as godly men but "but inwardly they are ravenous wolves" ...
Bow Before The Lord
Oh Lord, I love You above all. Your great mercy has set me free. I am no longer tied down to idols of this earth. They never ...
The Gospel Of Jesus Is Found In The Bible
Don't be deceived by another gospel. We can find all truth in the Bible. Seek the truth and follow God's counsel ...
How I Came To Jesus
I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation ...