Today’s Prayer (10/30/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray for my family and others who are stuck in the Mormon cult. I know that my words will never help them in any way unless their heart is open to Your truth. Otherwise, it is like talking to myself. I wish that I could show them what it means to really know You, Jesus. Those in Mormonism do works for the dead which is so wrong and blasphemes what is taught in the Bible. If people could simply seek Your face on a daily basis through Bible study and constant prayer, they could know Your truth and also cling to it. One thing I know Lord, is that many people will laugh as they read this prayer. Nothing I say will make a difference until maybe the end of what I pray. Lord, I just ask why? Why are these people so closed off to anything that goes against their church? Could it be that Christians around the globe are being led by the Holy Spirit and are now able to see the fruits of false religions like this. One false prophet cannot die and a good one come forth afterward in the same cult. This is logically impossible and wrong, but still, the people in this cult discard things from their former prophets of old and now look to the current teachings of their prophets. As for me, I am so glad that the true church comes from You alone, Jesus. We aren’t led by men who can lead us down a path of darkness, but You alone, Lord. I love You, God. I give You praise and honor. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/29/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will keep me in Your loving arms, not just now, but all the rest of my days. Help me to stand up for Your cause, that I might not fall victim to the evil schemes of this world. I don’t want to ever be wrapped up in anything that will drive away the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I ask and plead, my Lord, to lead me from temptation. Be my shield and my sword. The enemy is no match to the power of God in my life. Make Your home in my heart, my Lord and, my God. Rest awhile with me. Dine with me tonight. I am here for You, Lord. Nothing I have now is more important than to be with You. Take anything I have and either cast it off far from me or use it for Your glory. I don’t want to keep anything that will cause a rift between You and I. Speak peace to my life and give me wisdom. Help me to be a better husband and father to my two daughters. My beautiful wife and children are a blessing from the heavens. The gift of life is a treasure that I will continue to give thanks for now and the rest of my days. Although this life is short and one day I will pass on to the grave, along with my wife, and my children, I will rest in the life You gave me. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/28/2021)

Oh Lord, it is always so interesting this time of year. I see homes of people that are pastors, bishops, elders, and teachers and still they decorate their houses like others do on Halloween. I’ve even seen these individuals take their children out trick-or-treating or hand out candy at their doorstep. This leaves me scratching my head. Don’t these people know the evils of this devilish holiday? If so, why do they continue to be just like everyone else in the world? I wish I could help people understand Your will for their lives, but instead most people mock me for living a life that pleases You. That is so sad, for living in Your holiness is what brings about the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is then that we know what is right and what is wrong and can cling to what is good. Lord, I love Your ways and hate the appearance of evil. All I ask is that You come and make a home in my life. Please do this on an everyday basis. I never wish to be separate from Your presence again. Even today, Satan was tempting me with some evil thoughts from past transgressions, but turning on some good praise music fixed all this. Lord, when I pray and praise You in song, all the temptations go away. Thank You, Lord. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/27/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me stay focused on You, while doing Your will at all times. I do not wish to fall back into previous or even new transgressions. To live for You is my gain in life. I will not let the opposite take hold of me, no matter the amount of riches, or lustful fulfillment I may gain because of the things of this world. I have tasted and tried different things that have led to me dying spiritually. You have been so far from me at those times in my life and it would kill me now to lose Your constant presence again. So Lord, help me to learn from different Christians and also God-fearing men in the Bible, even though many of them have also fallen hard at different times. I admit that I am far from perfect. I fall all the time because of temptation and my conscience becomes seared because of the thoughts that swirl in my mind. This even happened today as I was driving, but thankfully I prayed that You would take those evil thoughts captive, and You did so in that very instant. Thank You for listening to my prayers and helping me overcome the enemy. My flesh was weak and I could have very well continued in those lustful thoughts, but You were able to help me recognize what I was doing was wrong. Only You could help me know how evil those thoughts were. And now I ask for Your mercy to fall upon me, as I did earlier. I am sorry Lord. Lead me from temptation, this day and forever. I trust in You. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/26/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me become the type of father I should be to my two daughters. Help me to also be the husband I should be to my wife. You first introduced my wife to me and we got married. Soon after, you gave unto us children and I am so grateful. I don’t always act this way and I am sorry. My children and my wife have specific needs and I pray that I may be able to fill their needs one day at a time as You lead me by the hand. Give me guidance and direction, that I might be led in doing things for them that also glorifies You in return. I know that I have not always been the best father to my children or the best husband to my wife. I have said some things that are very hurtful to them and I am so very sorry. So Lord, give me words to speak when I am around my kids and my wife. Even if they start to argue with me, help me speak in a way that will dissipate the anger, that subjects arise. I know that I am not perfect. I have done things that have caused me to not love my wife in the way she should be. But all this can be mended and be made whole once again. Not on my own doing, but with You helping me know what things need to be changed for the better. It does take three for marriages to get better, which includes You, and I pray that my wife will also learn to respect me as I love her. Help us both in these efforts. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/25/2021)

Oh Lord, help us to never become one with people and things in this world, but only become one with You and the people of God. I do not wish to corrupt my mind and my heart with anything that may appear good when it is really evil on the inside. I give You praise and honor and do not wish anything that is corrupt to seep into my life, in order to make me unclean. Therefore, I ask that You make in me a clean heart and a clean spirit. Make Your home in my life, while also removing anything that is contrary to Your will. Lord, I know that many people throughout the globe have addictions and bad habits that keep them from coming to You completely. They pray a prayer because they feel a need to because of a church service or what somebody has said, but then they go about doing the same things as they have always done. Nothing really changes, for they have forgotten what really matters most in this life and it is Your presence. What we can obtain because of money and wealth only lasts for a moment. This life is so short, but what we can do for You lasts outside this life and into eternity. My desire is to live this life and the next for You in Your kingdom. Make a home in me now, that when temptation does come I will be ready to fight it off quickly, that it will not take root in my heart or my life. I give You everything. You the my God, Jesus, and I worship You. I love You, lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/24/2021)

Oh Lord, it is good that You are my God and that I can live by Your commandments. I am safe when I am doing Your will and not the things of the world. There is no more shame or regret, for Your arms are round about me in love. I wish that every person could know what this means, but they must first submit their lives to You also. To abide in Your presence is all I desire. I want less of me and what the flesh desires and more of You and what the Holy Spirit desires. Lead me in Your light and cast out any darkness that still remains. It is my desire to walk worthy of my calling and not walk in disobedience. If I am doing anything unknowingly that offends that Holy Spirit, bring it to my attention now. I do not wish to grieve the Spirit, but be guided and directed by His hand. Thank You, Lord, for speaking to me. Thank You for Your compassion and mercy. You never had to forgive a wretch like me, but You did this nonetheless. As with every child that is to be born, You can see our potential. Now, I wish that every mother would understand this and not kill their unborn child in an abortion. This is sickening to know that this is happening. Put a stop to this in more places. I trust in You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/23/2021)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, help us to look to You in faith all of our days. Your commandments are being trodden down by the world and even many so-called Christians in the time we live in. I’ve talked to so many people who think obedience to You is no longer necessary, which includes Your commandments.

Today’s Prayer (10/22/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that not only me, but many others will heed Your calling for our lives, and also follow You. I do not wish to miss the ark as many others have already. I also pray that You will lead me to people that I can help come to know You, Jesus. I do not wish that anybody else that knows me will die in their sins and be punished come judgment day. It may not be a physical boat that we need to enter like in the times of the flood, but it is similar when we come to know You by heeding Your commands and not turning back. I love to look to You in faith, for You are always there for me. You deserve the highest praise, of which sing to You now, most precious God. I wish that I would always know Your will for my life and also give into it at all times. So please continue to press into me this day and forever, while giving me the answers in life that I am seeking. Also, if there is something I am not seeking that I should be, give me counsel in that also. Also, help me know if I am not in your right standing. I don’t want to follow what the flesh desires but be led by the Holy Spirit instead. It is my desire to be in line with Your will and not my own. Keep me afloat that I may not drown because of willful sins and false beliefs. If you are with me, I can achieve anything in life. I love You, Lord. Keep my ways straight and narrow, which lead to heaven. I want more of You and less me. I believe that You are God, Jesus, and the Lord of my life. I trust in You, God, above all else. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/21/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your truth will continue to go forth, even though the devil has caused many people to believe in different lies when it comes to many verses in the Bible. The corruption that happens based on Your holy Bible is so sad to witness from people and even pastors. Thankfully, we have other books that have been discovered in the dead sea like the Book of Enoch, which give us more information about who’s offspring were the giants and why the flood really happened. I love this book, as it is has spoken to my heart Your truth just like the other books of the Bible. It surely is a shame that this book of scripture only existed in the Ethiopian Church’s canon for the last two thousand years, but it was kept out of the standard canon of the Bible we use today. Surely, Lord, people throughout the ages have tried to cover it up, by even giving a different story to Genesis, chapter 6. Saying that the sons of Seth had sex with women and produced giants. This story is so outlandish and is not even possible. Thank You, God, for giving me an open mind to the real story. These sons of God were angels, and that is why their offspring were giants. People can try to make this story sound silly and impossible, but I know that it is true. I give You praise for giving me wisdom like this. I will not cover any of Your truth up, even if it means losing subscribers and a fan base. I don’t need any of this, for my desire is to point people to You, Jesus, not myself. May there be less of me and more of You in everything I do. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/20/2021)

Oh Lord, help me to be the person You have always wanted me to be. Not the person I wish to be in life, but the person You want me to be. Remove all of my hopes and dreams if they do not line up with Your will, and the building up of Your kingdom. What I want in life, because of the flesh, is not important if I am not pleasing You in these efforts. Lord, take my unclean hands and make them clean through Your blood. The same blood that was shed for us on the cross, I ask that You, Jesus, will cleanse my body and spirit. I believe that You are the greater healer and an awesome God, so please come and heal me both physically and spiritually. You see, my nose and sinus issues have been with me for most of my marriage now. It has caused many people to shy away from me, think I am sick with the flu, and contagious. This in part has made me depressed at times, since I cannot find the care I need to heal me from these sicknesses. But Lord, I know what You can touch my head and cause all my sickness to go away in an instant. Will you do this for me now? I believe that You can do all things. Jesus. Yes, God, heal what is broken in my body and also my spirit. Though I have sinned much in this life, I no longer wish to keep doing this any longer. Forgive me. Put in me a clean heart and a new desire to only live for You. I choose the better part, which is having You in my life Lord. I love You. I trust in You, God, above all else. I praise Your holy Name, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/19/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me to not allow anger and jealousy be a part of my life. I know how evil it is to allow anger and jealousy to burn within us when it comes to another person. I have seen many relationships end in divorce and family ties being broken to pieces because of anger and unforgiveness. There are people who still have a hard time being around me because of who I once was, even though I am now different. You have made me a new creation, but still, many people cannot forget the past, while still hanging it over my head wrongfully. This is very sad. I have even done this myself, which I am very sorry for. Lord, I pray that any relationship that is broken now will be mended and made whole again if that is Your will. Otherwise, help me know when to distance myself from people if they are the wrong influence upon me. In all things, I pray that I will be guided and directed by the Holy Spirit and not my own flesh. My own desires get me in trouble and cause me to be sorrowful, but when I do Your will there is only peace and no judgments upon me. Thank You for taking the weight of sin off my shoulders. Only You can do this. I trust in You, Jesus. You are my God and I worship You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/18/2021)

Oh Lord, I am thankful that in such a dark world, I have your light surrounding me. Although life can be very hard and full of pain and regret, You have given me answers that I’ve needed to go forward in faith. Even when times have been very hard, You have given me the strength to bear every burden. I am so grateful for Your presence in my life, though I don’t always deserve it. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. I pray that You will keep me on the straight and narrow path which leads to heaven. Right now I am sick because of the flu and I pray that You will heal me from my sickness. Lord, even my family is stricken with the same illness and I pray that You will heal each one of us. Reading about the fall of Adam and Eve helps me to understand why these consequences of sickness and death have come into the world. All I know is that things are better when the Holy Spirit is in my life, God. We can try to live this life on our own, but we will continue to fall flat on our faces each time because of sin. But I do not wish to be wrapped up any longer in any type of sin, where I transgress willfully against the God I love. Therefore, equip me with the sword of the Spirit, that I might fight off the schemes of the enemy. Lord, lead me from various temptations, that I might know and do Your will instead. I believe in You, God. I trust in You, Lord. I give You my life. I will follow You, Jesus, this day and forever. I give You praise. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/17/2021)

Oh Lord, I love Your ways and especially what You have created on earth. Thank You for creating me in Your image. It means the world to know that I was carefully crafted by the Lord of the heavens. Even in my mother’s womb did you know me and the person I would once become. Yes, God, You chose me to be the person I am today and in the future. Thank You for putting me on the path that saves. I was once lost, but You found me. For most of my life, I was just like the prodigal son who went astray after the things of the flesh. Thankfully, as I got older I had a chance to repent of my sins and get right with You again. I can still remember the day that I returned to Your presence. You were not angry but willingly took me home. Thank You, Jesus, for sacrificing Yourself on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I know that I have mercy and forgiveness for what I have done because of Your great sacrifice. I wish that everyone could know and understand what You have done for us, Lord, but they need to also come to You. Help me be a light to everyone around me. I pray for more salvations in Your kingdom. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/16/2021)

Oh Lord, please bless my marriage. Some days are hard and I need Your strength to know how things can get better. Help me to love my wife as You love the church. May she also learn to respect me and my needs. I know that when this happens, love will flourish. Otherwise, arguments and contention will arise. Lord, I love You so much and I wish to love my wife in the same way. Help me to continue to do this even if I am not being respected by her in the way I desire. Give me over to a new mindset of what I can do to restore the missing pieces of love in my marriage now. It might take time to get us to the point that we were at when we first got married, but as things progress it will make all the burdens lighter. Therefore, I ask that You take my hand and the hand of my wife. Help us become one not only in intimacy, but in the way we love and respect one another. Once this happens, all the bickering and complaining about small things will stop. I have seen this for a fact and I know that You can help us fulfill what You desire for us both in this marriage. It is my prayer that You lead me from doing things that the flesh desires, but what the Holy Spirit desires instead. And help us to learn to love and respect each other in this marriage the same way we love and respect You. I believe in You, Lord. I trust in You, God. I love You so much and give You praise. Amen.

Sinner’s Prayer (10/15/2021)

Oh Lord, I come to You in all my confessions. I know that I am not sin free, but have many things that You need to change in my life. Many sinful actions have caused me to be very sad. It breaks my heart to fall and lose the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. To think that I have grieved the Holy Spirit causes me to cry out to You for mercy. Forgive me, Lord. I no longer wish to do things that cause a rift between our relationship. My conscience has spoken and has helped me know of many things that are wrong in my life. Take those bad habits and addictions, and tear them to pieces. No longer have them be a part of who I am. Instead, make me whole through the Holy Spirit. Bring to my attention anything else also that may I am doing wrong that You hate. Give me strength to resist temptation, that I might live for You instead. I come before You and admit that I am a sinner and need Your blood to cover me. Without the sacrifice You made for us on the cross, forgiveness, and mercy would be an afterthought. Thankfully, You love us so much, Jesus, as to die for our sins. We don’t deserve Your great love and patience, but You continue to display it nonetheless. I love You, Lord. Remember me when my life is done. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/14/2021)

Lord, God, I am in awe just thinking of You. Your presence surely takes my breath away. All I need is You in my life and I am so happy. I wish others could see the great joy I have with You, but they need to also seek Your face to also come to know what I know now. I have made my share of mistakes, but You continue to take me home. What a great Father You are, God. Do I deserve Your mercy? Absolutely, not. Do I deserve Your forgiveness? Again, no! But just like the prodigal son, You have seen me in my trials, my sicknesses, and while being tempted. I wish I could take things back, but that is not possible. Thankfully, You have had compassion for a wretched sinner like me. One day You will return for Your church, who are Your faithful. I will be ready for that day. Lord, I am waiting for You. You are my King and I worship You. I no longer wish to live for the flesh, but for You alone. Guide my every move. Lead me from temptation. I am lost without You, but ever so happy when You are with me. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You. Amen.

Sinner’s Prayer (10/13/2021)

Oh Lord, You know my heart for You. I have done wrong things and I am so sorry. Forgive me, God. Help me to live a life that is according to Your will. I know that I cannot do this on my own. So I ask that You come and take me by the hand and lead me in the ways of righteousness. Cast out of my life every ounce of sin and darkness, and replace these things with Your love and light. I admit that I am a sinner, but only through Your hand can I become a saint. Never will I ever become this unless You are abiding in my life daily. Therefore, I come to You earnestly in prayer and confessions that You might make me whole. I ask that from here on out, You will take a sinner like me and do a work in me each day, that I might become Your true servant. Lord, I have worked for Your kingdom in the past, but now I am earnest in this desire. I truly wish to be saved and go to heaven. No longer do I wish to live for the flesh, but do as You command me. I have not always loved Your ways, but know that with You abiding in me, I will begin to love Your ways much more than what the flesh desires. Give me clean hands and a pure heart. It is my true desire that You will have mercy for my soul and lead me to be with You in heaven. I believe in You, Jesus. I trust in You. You are my Savior and I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/12/2021)

Oh Lord, help us to know and follow Your will for us and not follow after the will of man. We can easily go off course when we put our trust in people, instead of trusting in You. I know that there are times that it is good to follow the lead of a specific Christian, but only if the Holy Spirit is leading us in this. Thank You for teaching me these important truths. The truth is, I would never wish to be led by a false teacher or false church unknowingly. Therefore, I seek Your hand daily, that I might be led by You and not go astray. People say my heart is closed off to the truth, but if they just knew how open it really is to You, they would be amazed. Lord, I love to learn from You. You are my guide and the author of any wisdom I have in my life. Sure, angels are glorious in their appearance, but I don’t come to them for wisdom. I simply bow down at Your feet God, not angels in prayer, while asking that You surround me with Your angels. Not that I am supposed to speak to them, but for You to send them to me. Lord, help me and others find what is most important in this life and then cling to it. Help us not go astray because of certain influences in our lives. If there are any toxic relationships now, I ask that you mend them or help us know how to break free from them if necessary. And help us find a good Bible-believing church that teaches Your message of hope and not the doctrines of men. I believe in You, Lord. I trust in You, God. Your ways are true and faithful. will follow You until the end of times. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/11/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will not give in to doing anything that is contrary to Your will. This includes not participating in evil things during Halloween. It is said that people have made what is devilish on this day appear to be good, which is so wrong. I cannot even fathom how Christians can justify taking their kids out trick-or-treating on this wicked day. And God, people go even further by decorating their houses, carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, going to parties, haunted houses, spooky mazes, and much more. They even dress up in the scariest costumes and perverse costumes, which is disturbing. But what really disturbs me is when specific churches celebrate this day as a harvest celebration, a trunk-or-treat in their church parking lot, and even make the interior of their churches as a haunted house. This is so sickening, and I pray that people will repent of these wicked and evil actions that they have done on this day. It is my prayer that You will shed light on the evils of this day to every person who believes in You. Then, will people stop allowing themselves and their children to be part of it any longer. Break every stronghold of the enemy in people’s lives. I cancel the devil’s schemes in the Name of Jesus. Set your people free from every wicked deed, especially the abominable things that take place on Halloween. I believe in You, Lord. I trust in You. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/10/2021)

Oh Lord, help us live for You. Your coming is soon at hand, where the world will be judged according to their works. So many people will be begging to have another chance at life, but all be finished at this point. What people did on earth will carry forth with them in either hell or paradise. This is very sad to think that any person would wish to die and go to hell. Where they will be tormented in fire until they are judged. I would not want to be this person, who will also find out in judgment that their name is not written in the book of life. This would mean the lake of fire is their final destination. And I would not wish this ending on any person’s life on earth. Lord, help people understand that they will not be able to work their way out of hell and be saved, if they end up there. Instead, put a burning desire in every person who would call upon Your Name to live for You now, while we still have breath. The doors that lead to salvation are only open for a short time and then will be closed off to us come death. God, I have seen many people die in their sins and it is very sad to see at funerals. This really begs the question, why? Why would people turn their backs on you and get tied down in a sinful and unbelieving lifestyle which would never save them? And why do people leave their first love, which is You, Jesus, and choose to stop confessing and forsaking their sins? I pray that people will wake up to their sins and get right with You today. I love You, Lord. I want to be with You when all is set and done, where the New Jerusalem is on earth. Lead me home, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/09/2021)

Oh Lord, help us to do what is right. May we live for You and not the flesh. The flesh is weak, but You make us strong to resist temptation. I wish I could say that I have been perfect since giving my life over to You, Jesus, but I know I would be lying. I am just like everyone else who is a sitting duck to the enemy if I don’t have Your presence in my life. That is why I fall victim to Satan’s lies and feel so shameful afterward. Truly, I wish I had not done many things in my life since giving my life to You, and pray that You will forgive me. Lord, give me clean hands and a pure heart. Help me not do things that defile the flesh, of which takes days and sometimes weeks to get back on track again. I don’t wish to have anything that is dark enter my life again, for my body is Your holy temple. Cast out anything that is contrary to Your will and usher in Your light abundant. Take my own desires now and conform them to Yours. Change my thoughts and help them be conformed to Yours also. Do a work inside of me, that people all around me will not help but see You, Jesus, in me. Lead me from temptation. Give me the power to resist what is evil. I give You glory and praise. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/08/2021)

Oh Lord, prepare us now to enter the house of the Lord, even New Jerusalem. I know that this great city will come down during the times of the new earth and new heaven, after every person is judged. But it is my prayer that You will help me in this life and give me the strength to endure life’s trials. Temptations can be hard to resist, but doing Your will is far better than the consequences of sin. I am just so grateful that Your blood has covered me and that I am made whole. You have cleansed me from all my sins and placed me on a path of righteousness. Truly, Your holiness is in me and helps me live differently than I once lived. It is no longer about me trying to live for You, but a lifestyle change. Through You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, I am born again. Thank You for rescuing me and for putting Your light in my life. It is my desire to see many more people be saved. For this reason, I go out on mission trips and on the streets to witness Your truths to people. Will every person accept Your gospel message? Absolutely not, but some will. I go after the few who will turn from their sins and follow You, Jesus. You give me the boldness and courage to talk to every person I can. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/07/ 2021)

Oh Lord, help us to live a life that will take us to heaven. A life that pleases You above all else. Those people who put their trust in the world are those who walk willfully in sin. This is so sad, for the wages of sin is death. How can anybody think they are saved if they love the lusts of the flesh more than You? To think that so many people do this and still think they are saved boggles my mind. Thank You for waking me up to my sins, that I could repent and get right with You before this life is done. My flesh is weak but You make me strong to resist temptation. Lord, I love You more than anything else this world can offer me. It is not worth leaving my first love, which is You, God, for something that will only last for a moment. So Lord, lead me now and the rest of my days. Take my hand, that I might live in Your holiness. I want to go to heaven, God. Take me home to be with You. I am Yours and You are my God. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/06/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help us make sure our lives are ready to receive You when we die. I know that I will never be able to know for a surety that my name is written in the book of life on my own, but You are able to make this known to me. As I continue to seek Your face and dive into the Word of God daily, I trust that You will reveal Your hidden truths unto me. Just like Solomon sought after wisdom from heaven to be made happy, this is all I long for also. Lord, lead me in Your ways that lead to life eternal. Even now, do I fall down in worship to You, Jesus. You are my King and I glorify You in every way. Come Jesus! Come for Your church, of whom we await anxiously to receive You. Although many people have been set apart for the marriage supper, I know that only few people will remain faithful and ready. This is my desire. I wish to not only lead myself but many others to heaven with me. Would you please do a work in my families lives, that they may be saved with me? Would you please do a work in my friends and co-workers lives, they may be saved with me? As I go out on the streets and witness Your truths, I pray for many more people to also receive You and be saved. To go to such a place like heaven, I would never want to only take myself there. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/05/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will take hold of our lives and lead us to heaven. Where You can lead us safely by the hand and not allow the enemy to rule our lives. You are our sword and shield and I worship You, God. There is so much wickedness in the world today and so many people are giving into it. Therefore, it is my desire to go forth and scatter all the darkness that is before me, but I know that people also need to have the Holy Spirit in their lives to make a difference. Otherwise, people are only seeing the light in me and then seeing it dissipate when I leave them. Therefore, I pray that people will desire for themselves what only You can give them. That they will no longer be trapped in their addictions and bad habits, but be rescued and forgiven. I know how much You desire to have mercy upon us, but we must allow You into our lives first. All I know is that You are so good to me, God. If people could see what this goodness entails, then they would also run and fall down at Your feet. Only then can more people escape hell and go to paradise when they die. Heaven is where we want to be, for You are there. Lead us safely to Your heavenly home. I love You. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/04/2021)

Oh Lord, thank You for leading me to the houses that we knocked on today. We would not have met this mid twenties man today if this had not happened. Truly, his desire to receive You and pray for forgiveness with us was so awesome to see. His humility was off the charts and I know that we needed to talk to him today. Although it was just Patrick and I today, You did so much through us in such a little amount of time. While sitting on the grass next to the Salt Lake Temple, we were able to talk to two sister missionaries for a little over an hour. We were filled as we spoke with them and the time we preached the gospel at the train station. I do feel like You led people to us to speak with. Everything was setup so perfectly, because You orchestrated it all. Even Jeff Durbin came our way to speak to us to see what we were today. This was a great honor to talk to a fellow Christian in the faith. Lastly, our time passing out tracts at a haunted house was also remarkable. Thank You, Lord. This trip was so wonderful. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/03/2021)

Oh Lord, we have much to give You thank for. This was day was a remarkable day for sure. I won’t soon forget the time Patrick and I had witnessing to the man who was suffering because of addictions. Thank You, Lord, for this man’s desire to get right with You again and to receive prayer and guidance and direction. This was a wonderful day to pass out gospel tracts, give out handouts, preach the truths of the gospel, and to witness to people one on one. One man specifically that You led to our table was Jared. He was so ready and willing to hear the truth of the gospel those two hours with him today. There are times that we have opportunities like this with people, but this was one was very special. Only through the Holy Spirit were we able to share the truths of the gospel and to help him unlearn the lies of Mormonism. All this was revealed to him in a loving and respectful way that he will soon not forget. You opened each one of our mouths as we spoke to him today. Thank You, Lord. We love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/02/2021)

Oh Lord, thank You for meeting up with the lady with the puppies. It was truly awesome to hear her story and to also hear her testify about You through the loudspeaker. Thank You for the Catholic man that heard the good news of the gospel. It was remarkable to see a 180 happen in his life when it comes to worshipping You alone now and not Mary or the saints. And although the salesman may have been more resistant to the gospel than others we talked to, I am grateful for the time we had to talk to him also. Now, with every day in the harvest there is always one experience that I will never forget. That was the man on temple square. You helped me reach him with much love and respect while sharing gospel truths. He was quick to receive the truth and I give You glory for Him also. Although I may have been escorted off of the temple square for talking to this man, I would not go back and change anything that occurred. You made this happen and I give You glory. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/01/2021)

Thank You Lord, for this day. We could not have reached all the people we did if You were not with us. Truly, You were leading us today like in times past. All that has changed are the people that are with Patrick and I, which is Luis this time. Thank You for His desire to join us. Because of His desire to be with us we were able to reach many people today. You opened each one of our mouths when we were preaching and talking to individual people. Even when I was speaking an overflow of preaching and teaching began from the Bible about current issues we are dealing with in the world like the LGBTQ, abortion, and most importantly Mormonism. I was able to hit the high points with no fear or intimidation because I opened my mouth and You were filling it. You made me strong to do things I am incapable of doing on my own. I also saw this with Patrick and Luis. We give You thanks for all the people reached at the store, the people we prayed with, the people we witnessed to, all those who received gospel tracks and more. It was very fruitful today because You were with us. Thank You, Lord. We love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (09/30/2021)

Oh Lord, thank You for this first day of the mission trip to Utah. Truly, it was an amazing time to visit with Luis, Judah, and his wife. This was a perfect day to start this trip off. The Holy Spirit was felt, along with Your guidance during my travel to Utah and the throughout this evening. Thank You for leading me, Luis, and Patrick into the harvest together. Patrick may not have been with us yet, but His presence is always felt when He is with me. You have done great things through us over these years and I know that this trip will be like the others. What we pray for on this trip and on others is that Mormons will come out of their false religion and unto You instead. This can only happen if You are leading us and not if we are on our own in these efforts. I trust in You, God. Do a mighty work in Your harvest while we are out and about in it. We are only out here to serve You and You alone. Only to see more people be saved and go to heaven. I trust in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.