Oh Lord, help us live for You. Your coming is soon at hand, where the world will be judged according to their works. So many people will be begging to have another chance at life, but all be finished at this point. What people did on earth will carry forth with them in either hell or paradise. This is very sad to think that any person would wish to die and go to hell. Where they will be tormented in fire until they are judged. I would not want to be this person, who will also find out in judgment that their name is not written in the book of life. This would mean the lake of fire is their final destination. And I would not wish this ending on any person’s life on earth. Lord, help people understand that they will not be able to work their way out of hell and be saved, if they end up there. Instead, put a burning desire in every person who would call upon Your Name to live for You now, while we still have breath. The doors that lead to salvation are only open for a short time and then will be closed off to us come death. God, I have seen many people die in their sins and it is very sad to see at funerals. This really begs the question, why? Why would people turn their backs on you and get tied down in a sinful and unbelieving lifestyle which would never save them? And why do people leave their first love, which is You, Jesus, and choose to stop confessing and forsaking their sins? I pray that people will wake up to their sins and get right with You today. I love You, Lord. I want to be with You when all is set and done, where the New Jerusalem is on earth. Lead me home, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (10/10/2021)
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