God has caused darkness to cover the earth as He does so for people who wake up and go to hell when they die.
Inspirations (01-2022)
Today’s Inspiration (01/30/2022)
Plagues do come when people disobey God. They can also come naturally. In all things, God’s will must be done.
Today’s Inspiration (01/29/2022)
It is not worth hardening your heart against God. Instead, let Him in and begin to do His will for Your life.
Today’s Inspiration (01/28/2022)
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (01/27/2022)
We were once spoken to through prophets, but then Jesus came and we are now spoken to through Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/26/2022)
Those who overcome the world and die in their faith in Christ are also called God’s sons and daughters.
Today’s Inspiration (01/25/2022)
We ought to rejoice just knowing that God has called us out of the world in order to be our Father.
Today’s Inspiration (01/24/2022)
We are adopted in as sons and daughters through faith in Jesus. Abraham’s promises are for us and the Jews.
Today’s Inspiration (01/23/2022)
Our faith in Jesus causes us to be separate from the people of this world. Then God calls us His people and His child.
Today’s Inspiration (01/22/2022)
Our faith in Jesus is what allows us to be led by the Holy Spirit. God then adopts us in as His child through our true faith in Christ.
Today’s Inspiration (01/21/2022)
We are not all children of God, but only those who put their trust in Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, our Lord, we are adopted in.
Today’s Inspiration (01/20/2022)
We are not all children of God. To say we are is a blatant lie. It is our faith in Jesus that makes us a child of our King.
Today’s Inspiration (01/18/2022)
The belief in the queen of heaven or heavenly mother is evil in God’s sight. This act of worship is an abomination to the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/17/2022)
The belief in the Queen of Heaven or a Heavenly Mother is not of God and a false teaching that has been around for centuries.
Today’s Inspiration (01/16/2022)
God wants to use us in His kingdom in ways that we may not want to. How we react to His desires is what is important.
Today’s Inspiration (01/15/2022)
When God asks us to witness to someone about Jesus it might come with much resistance. He gives us strength through prayer.
Today’s Inspiration (01/14/2022)
Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists, and those in false religions to come to Jesus. Your unbelief, false beliefs, and/or wickedness will cause you to die in your sins and go to hell lest you repent...
Today’s Inspiration (01/13/2022)
God is not ok with us forfeiting our spiritual gifts. In His anger God finds someone else to fulfill His needs on earth.
Today’s Inspiration (01/12/2022)
It is important to die daily in the Lord. This means getting rid of things that are holding us back from serving Him completely.
Today’s Inspiration (01/11/2022)
As Jesus said, He is the great “I Am”, or God Almighty, of which spoke to Abraham and also Moses in a flame of fire.
Today’s Inspiration (01/10/2022)
God remembers us in our trials and tribulations. Cry out to Him and your prayers will be answered in his timing. Paul Gee / January 10, 2022 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (01/09/2022)
Abortion is murder in the sight of God. It is as bad as killing newborn babies. Only Jesus can forgive such a heinous act.
Today’s Inspiration (01/08/2022)
Sola Scriptura is often put down by false teachers and members of false religions. Don’t fall for these lies.
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2022)
Be forgiving as God is forgiving towards us. This shows God that we truly desire forgiveness for our sins also.
Today’s Inspiration (01/06/2022)
Jesus is the Lion of Judah. He came into the world to save us through His blood. His return is sooner than we think.
Today’s Inspiration (01/05/2022)
Baby blessings in churches are from God. Even Jesus was blessed as a child, although with Joseph of Egypt’s children.
Today’s Inspiration (01/04/2022)
Don’t be afraid to ask people for help. But later on when help is given don’t forget to bless them in the name of Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (01/03/2022)
God’s Word declares that Jesus is so wonderful, our counselor, mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.
Today’s Inspiration (01/02/2022)
Jesus is the creator of all things heaven and earth. That makes him our Lord and our God and not our brother.
Today’s Inspiration (01/01/2022)
When God calls us to do something, it is up to us to obey Him. Blessings come to those who do what the Lord asks of them.
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