Mormons Follow Their Prophets, Not Jesus
The verses in the New Testament teach us to follow Jesus, not prophets. True Christians know this as God’s truth.
The verses in the New Testament teach us to follow Jesus, not prophets. True Christians know this as God’s truth.
There are many reasons why Halloween is of the devil and I pray that you will stop participating in it if you have not already.
There is an evil trend with Mormonism and Halloween. Mormons love this holiday. They are blinded to the darkness therein.
When we move to places that are wicked, be prepared to take a stand for Jesus, or else its effects will also befall you.
When people celebrate Halloween as others do in the world, they are calling evil good. This means God is not with them.
We are never to save ourselves from dying, while putting other family members, especially our spouse in harm’s way.
Many people like Sarai, Abram’s wife, are unable to have children for many years or not at all. This causes stress in marriages.
During the time of Peleg, the earth was divided. God scattered the people into every nation and changed their language.
An eye for an eye was commanded by God after the flood, however, this was done away with Christ coming on the scene.
It is true that all the amazing technology before the flood was lost in time, as God did a do-over with his creation on earth.
God did send a flood, much worse than we have ever seen, to wipe out everyone on the face of the earth that was not on the ark.
Angels did come down to earth, in order to take wives for themselves. The offspring of these fallen angels were giants.
May people know this about you when you pass on from death to life that you walked with God in the Spirit and He took you.
A lot of people allow jealousy and anger to eat at them for days. If not taken care of with God, then bad things happen.
The Bible speaks about the consequences of a painful and sorrowful childbirth given to women because of Adam and Eve’s fall.
We are God’s best creation, having been created in God’s image. So why would someone attempt to stop what God is creating?
Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands. Find out what the needs are of your spouse and fulfill them.
Four things are abominable in God’s eyes. Abortion, fornication, porn, and homosexuality. Confess and forsake these sins today!
One day my Lord, and my King, Jesus, will return to take us home. All I can say is, come Lord Jesus! I am ready, God.
Every person has free will in the life they want to live. However, only through our obedience to God will we be saved.
We are taught in the Bible to not worship angels. Even angels have told people to not worship them but God alone.
The truth is, Halloween is a very dark and devilish holiday. We are not to participate in it in any fashion for God’s sake.
Those who are saved are permitted to enter through the gates of the New Jerusalem. God will be with us and we will reign with Him.
Please don’t expect to go to heaven if you are willfully sinning against God. Instead, get right with the Lord today.
We are the bride of Christ as His true believers, but so is the New Jerusalem, which will make His bride complete.
Living for Jesus leads us to be with Him in heaven, while willfully sinning leads us to be tormented in the lake of fire.
One day in heaven, God shall come and wipe away all tears from our eyes. There will be no more sorrow, nor death.
One day we will be judged by Jesus and either be granted access into the gates of heaven or be cast into the lake of fire.
Even when things don’t go as you’ve planned it, keep trusting in God and it will go exactly how God planned it.
Make time for God each day and fulfill His desires for your life. Not just one day a week, but a life lived for Jesus.