Oh Lord, I pray that many people in every nation will come to know You as their Lord and Savior. Only then can they be saved. This can be true if more people get out of their comfort zones and start to be a witness for You in other countries, their own countries, states, and cities. Our mouths will only stay shut if You are not the one leading us. This is because people have lost the fear of God and have put other things ahead of You. So many people do not realize that they have made certain things in their lives idols, of which turned them to idolatry without knowing. These presumptuous sins are still evil and need to be taken care of in Your sight. I truly feel, God, that what keeps people from doing Your will is sin, including secret faults, and the errors in their own ways. Wake them up to the hell and destruction that is before them. This place is real and I pray that they will take Your hand, that You may lead them out of the fire while. They are worth saving. Lead these lost souls to You in heaven. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (08/27/2022)
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