I pray that all people that love Jesus can be a true witness of Him. Share His Word with others. Be a light to this darken world. Stand apart from the crowd. Let your life be an example to others. Proclaim His Grace and Holiness. Teach His Word with boldness. Let Jesus cast out any fear. Come to Jesus in prayer and praise His Holy Name. Don’t let any idols come before Him. Seek His love and pray that you may feel it every day. That you may be an instrument of Him and proclaim His Gospel to others. There are many people waiting to hear the God’s message. Seek out the lost and feed the Lord’s sheep.
If any of you have accepted the Lord and not been baptized yet please do. It is a demonstration of your faith to God. Believe in Jesus and all your sins will be forgiven. My joy is to share His love to the world for He has changed my life. Lord Jesus, send me. I come to you Lord. Let me be a beacon of hope to others. Send me to the lost. Help me find all those that are looking for something better in their lives. Open there hearts to accept your gift of salvation. That I might be a light to them. That they may feel of your Love. Something new, something Good, something holy.
Mark 16:15,16
15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.