1 Corinthians 15:40
1 Corinthians 15 :40 (KJV) 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
1 Corinthians 15 :40 (KJV) 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
We talked about Joseph Smith’s false prophecies, and how he said that Jesus would return in 1891, which never happened. How, he said that New Jerusalem would be built and dedicated by his hand, which never happened.
In verse 26, we learn that God created man in His image. This same God said let us.
In this month of November, I have decided to do something new that I’ve been telling myself I’d do for years, but never had the time.
What God says is pure. This includes God’s Word, the Bible. To acknowledge this means that we are living for Him and desire to be pure as He is pure.
Since A.D. 181, the Trinity has been agreed upon as core doctrine in the church.
Nobody can see God’s face in this life and continue living. This is speaking of the Father, for He is Spirit.
The God of Israel said that every knee shall bow before Him and that he is God and no one else. This means that there is only one true God in the heavens
It is a proven fact that the Trinity teaching was taught by the early church fathers.
Jared in the Bible supposedly lived around 3544-2582 BC, which we see in Genesis 5. I am mentioning Jared since you see a brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon.
Mormons collectively will tell you that they believe in the Godhead. Where Jesus is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.
When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, we are consumed with His righteousness and zeal. The things that are dark, we then shun away from.
Jesus is God, the Creator, our Judge, the Messiah, was born, died for our sins, rose from the grave, and is returning.
It is important to acknowledge that we are a sinner and in need of saving. Only then will a person desire to come to god in prayer.
Are you eager to come to God? A person that longs to obey Him, while keeping His commandments.
The moment you step out to celebrate Halloween, you are telling God that He does not matter. You’d rather be in darkness.
“Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way. Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them. The entrance of thy words giveth light;
Jesus Is My God. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last, having always been with the Father.
Acknowledge that you are a sinner and need God’s mercy. We’ve all done things that we wish we could go back and erase from our life’s history.
Mormons come to many homes and share their message, but when we want to talk to them about the Bible they get upset and bolt.
The Book of Mormon is claimed to be scripture but without one ounce of evidence. No evidence of ancient records on plates.
If Mormons stopped reading their extra Biblical books and stuck with the Bible, God would be able to teach them in a pure form.
Halloween is of the devil. Don’t let the world fool you into thinking it is innocent. Bringing your kids out trick-or-treating is not what God desires.
There is a reason why Mormons doubt the validity of the Bible, and it comes from the Book of Mormon.
In this lost generation, the desire to call upon God is less and less. It is like people struggle to find any desire to pray.
The verse that Mormons take out of context in the Bible, more than any other, comes in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 29.
It is important to develop a deep trust in God’s protection. Only then will we obtain an unwavering commitment to His commandments.
There are many reasons why people should not read the Book of Mormon. #1, it teaches a false atonement…
My hiding place is with God and His Word, the Bible. We come to Him for wisdom from on high and bask in His awesome presence as we pray.
When God is with us, He continues to pour out His Spirit upon us. This is when we gain wisdom from on high.