What Are Mormons Thinking?

Here is what the Mormon missionaries are doing. They are taking Christians off the path to God and into a cult that cannot save them.


There is one sin that is leading many people to hell and it is “UNFORGIVENESS”. Even Christians will not go to heaven because of this sin.

Wicked Judges On Earth

Jesus is God and stands supreme among the angelic realm, who are the sons of God, or gods.
However, on earth, there are wicked judges.

Die To Yourself Daily

It is so important that we die daily for the Lord. This means to look at ourselves in the mirror and confess our sins before God

Lord, Shine Down Upon Us

Give ear, oh God, to Your people. You have led the children of Israel in the past, so come and do the same to us.

Mormon Salvation Issues

If you are a Christian and know your Bible, you will notice the majority of Mormon teachings are not Biblical but man made teachings.

Mormon Idolatry

Mormons are idolaters and go to hell when they die. Believing yourself to become a god is idolatry, as there is only one God.

God Ought To Be Feared

God should be feared in this society, but instead people walk in their own ways and don’t care what He thinks.

Praise Be To Jesus: Hymn

Praise be to Jesus who died for our transgressions! Christ, the anointed Messiah, God, and King.

Jesus Is Our Deliverer

If you feel troubled, have people pray over you and also pray, make haste. Come to my rescue, for my flesh is weak.

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