There is a right way to serve the Lord and a wrong way. We can say that we believe in Jesus but live our own lives that are contrary to Him. We can do what we or others think is right when it comes to our faith and not seek His will for our lives. Those two things are contrary to God, which makes their actions go against God and not for Him. So the right way to serve the Lord is with fear and trembling, while walking in His ways and not our own. If we remember to do this, then we are living for God and He is for us also. We are born again and are welcomed into heaven when we die. It is written, “serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” (Psalm 2:11,12) It is important to know that God is loving and also just when it comes to the wicked. People go where they ought to go come death. This is because what people desire in this life will carry forth in the next. If we died loving what is evil and not what is of God, then that would mean we are not fit for God’s kingdom, for sin cannot dwell there. As true Christians, we are only capable of going to heaven because of the blood of Jesus. The Lord, and our King, is the only person who can cleanse us of all our sins and make us righteous in His sight. Praise be to God. He is worthy of utmost respect and honor.
Paul also said, “wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:12-15) Notice that Paul speaks about fear and trembling just like David did in Psalms. Therefore, to live for God in this way is carried forth from the old to the new covenant also. Surely, our salvation is sure when we begin to fear and tremble before God in our lowly state on earth. In this, we know that we could never measure up to what God wants for us unless His hand is in our lives. This puts our reliance upon the Lord. Therefore, in humility, we walk as God is our teacher in all things heaven and earth. This can be by way of Him speaking to us through reading the Bible, praying, listening to pastors’ sermons, and more. Through fear and trembling, we learn to walk apart from sin and in the light of Jesus. Our confessions have been made and we are now made lights in this darkened world. To live for God is our gain and now we look forward to the day when we will see Jesus as our Lord and Savior in heaven. Amen.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be our guides in this darkened world. Help us to know Your will and also walk in Your ways. Through Your presence, there is so much light in our lives. We don’t have to worry about the wickedness in this world, for we also shine as lights in the darkness. You have done this for Your sons and daughters on earth. Lord, we love You, and to serve You is the least we can do for the King of glory. Have Your way in my life and all people who call upon Your Name for salvation. This life is cruel and persecution is ramped when it comes to sharing our faith. I am deeply saddened to know that many of my brothers and sisters in the faith have gone to jail because of their preaching with an amplifier on the streets. The world we live in is getting very crazy and our faith is being tested, God. We can either give in to what the world wants or continue to endure. I choose to endure, for I know that my outcome will be heaven with You, Jesus, as long as I cling to You. You have changed my life and living for You now is my repayment for what You have done for me. All I ask is that You give me wisdom. In Your presence, I fear and tremble, for You are so awesome and I am so small and insignificant in Your sight. Who am I to be called Your son out of the billions of people on earth. Thank You for rescuing me, God. My life is Yours. May Your will be done above all else. I love You, Jesus. Amen.