Trust In The Lord And Pray Often
Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.
Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.
It is important in life that we put our trust in God, not always people. People do fail us in life, but God never fails us.
Because of the vast amount of churches, now a days, check their doctrines and teachings with the Bible.
Each time we come to the Lord, He will take us back. His compassion is unwavering. We may have just done something terrible but He is still there waiting for our return.
Love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Serve others in any circumstance that comes your way.
We must think before we act. If the Lord is with us in prayer, our decisions will be upright before Him. The best thing to do in life is trust in God.
Will you heed the voice of the Lord and allow Him to make something of your life, this day? Lay down your sins and addictions at the feet of Jesus.
We don’t need to bear the world on our own. We have a Savior that loves us and will comfort us. He will lift us up and give us strength.
If your focus is on God, you won’t help it but desire to live by His laws. By doing so, you are showing your trust in Him above all else.
Please know that Jesus is so willing to help us, when we put forth effort. We must dine with Him, as sinners did when He was on earth.
Pray to God in times of trials. Ask in faith and He will give you patience. There is no need for us to deal with trials on our own.
Trust in God and not your own self lest you make bad choices. God will build you up and make you strong in the storms of life.
Our Lord God deserves the highest praise. He is our mighty King. Fall down at His feet and honor Him. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus, who gives life eternal.
Christians are to trust in God and also walk in His righteousness. Then, can we become upright in His sight and not our own.
Put your trust in Jesus and He won’t let you down. We will find mercy and strength in the Lord. We will one day stand before Him in wondrous awe.
If we were to live our lives on our own, we would be sitting ducks to the devil and his fiery darts would take us down each time.
It is important to develop a deep trust in God’s protection. Only then will we obtain an unwavering commitment to His commandments.
Why put your trust in the things of this world that will soon shrivel up and turn to dust one day? These things will eventually fail you, if it is not in God.
The validity of the Book of Mormon is challenged by checking out three pieces of plagiarism when compared to the Bible.
There is no evidence for the Book of Mormon or anything that takes place in it. Cities and their names have never been found, and people’s names have never been found on graven stone.
If your marriage has problems now, because of an unfaithful or unbelieving spouse, know that this can all be fixed with God’s hand in your lives.
I hope that the first part of this psalm has already resonated with you and that you are feeling much better with what is happening in the world right now.
As I talk to people on the streets, some have brought up examples of why God doesn’t exist. This is such a tragedy that people think this way.
David was a great example of a man seeking after God’s own heart. But what if you could also live your faith out and be like David?
We are called by God to trust in the Lord, do good, delight in the Lord, and commit our ways unto the Lord.
Praise God and His words in the Bible. Don’t forget Him by lettings God’s Word be void in your life.
After Moses helped a fellow Israelite from being beaten to death, his life was never the same again.
David continues to lift up the Lord and say, “the Lord hath recompensed me according to my righteousness; according to my cleanness in his eye sight.
God is always ready to go forth with us, even in every battle we face. He is so merciful and just, even to those that believe in His Name.