Jesus is my strength. My hope is in Him only who saves. He has changed my whole life and I give Him the praise He deserves.
Today’s Inspiration (12/30/2019)
As Christians, stay sober-minded and pray often. It is better to have the Holy Spirit lead you, then to fall victim to drunkenness.
Today’s Inspiration (12/29/2019)
If you are continuing to use foul language, then your faith in Christ is dead. So repent and be truly converted today.
Today’s Inspiration (12/28/2019)
Allow Jesus to take hold of your life. Then can He tear the lusts from your eyes and heart and free you in His mighty Name.
Today’s Inspiration (12/27/2019)
Sin is so prevalent in our lives if the Holy Spirit is not with us. Therefore, seek the Lord often, that you may be shielded.
Today’s Inspiration (12/26/2019)
Live every day for God. This means giving up doing and watching things that your flesh desires, in order to do His will instead.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (12/25/2019)
This is disturbing but true of most people. Watched TV? ✔️ Played games on your phone or TV? ✔️ Prayed? ✖️ Read the Bible? ✖️
Today’s Inspiration #3 (12/25/2019)
Do you love God enough to read the Bible daily, pray often, and do His will? Or does watching TV mean more to you?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (12/25/2019)
Satan’s ploy is to lure people into watching as much TV as they can. That way the Bible isn’t read and God’s will is not done.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (12/25/2019)
God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. Through faith, we are adopted in as children of God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (12/24/2019)
Remember that Jesus is the reason for Christmas. So give praise to the King, who came to save us from our sins.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (12/24/2019)
The best part about Christmas is to think about Jesus and to give to others. Doing this brings the greatest joy of all.
Today’s Inspiration (12/23/2019)
Fix your eyes upon Jesus. He is our Lord and God, so make Him Lord of your life. Salvation only comes through Him alone.
Today’s Inspiration (12/22/2019)
All children are precious in the sight of God. This includes every baby in the womb and newborns.
Today’s Inspiration (12/21/2019)
You will know if you are heaven bound if you love Jesus and really enjoy doing His will, even more than anything else.
Today’s Inspiration (12/20/2019)
Jesus came into the world, in order to save us from our sins. There is grace and truth through Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (12/19/2019)
Scramble the letters in Santa and what do you get? The answer is Satan. Isn’t that a coincidence.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (12/19/2019)
Anybody who teaches their children about Santa Claus is not following Jesus. Those in Christ don’t teach lies to their kids.
Today’s Inspiration (12/18/2019)
John the Baptist did come to prepare the way for the Lord. Hearts were then turned to Jesus when His ministry began.
Today’s Inspiration (12/17/2019)
Conform your daily endeavors with God’s will and He will start using you like never before. This is putting God first in your life.
Today’s Inspiration (12/16/2019)
Lukewarm Christians are not saved but on a path of destruction. If you not fully surrendered to God, then turn from your sins.
Today’s Inspiration (12/15/2019)
If you want true love in your life, then look no further than Jesus. He can do for you that no other person can.
Today’s Inspiration (12/14/2019)
No birth is more important than Jesus’s. Because He was born, there is forgiveness of sins. He has come to save us all.
Today’s Inspiration (12/13/2019)
Don’t be afraid to tell others about Jesus. God’s elect are called to share the gospel to those that are lost.
Today’s Inspiration (12/12/2019)
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as was prophesied by Micah. He has come in order to save His people and all the earth from their sins.
Today’s Inspiration (12/11/2019)
Jesus is the light of the world. He leads all people that believe in Him out of the darkness and on His path of righteousness.
Today’s Inspiration (12/10/2019)
It is a very good thing to stand apart from the world. We do this by remembering Jesus’s birth, not Santa Claus on Christmas.
Today’s Inspiration (12/09/2019)
Jesus was born more than two thousand years ago. However, His light still shines in the lives of all those that believe.
Today’s Inspiration (12/08/2019)
Don’t replace Jesus with other things. Think upon Him and His birth in this Christmas season, while giving Him praise.
Today’s Inspiration (12/07/2019)
Jesus is my source of true love. There is no one like His love for us, for it fills my soul with joy.
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