All praise and honor be to the Lord, Jesus. Lift Him up in praise. Give your whole soul over to the King in worship. Live each day to serve Him. When you sing, lift your hands high to praise Him. When you pray, lift your voice to heaven in worship. When you read the Bible, let the Lord teach you on how to live. Live each day to bring Him honor. Seek the Lord in all that you do. Speak of His mercy to all people. Share His love with the world. Let the Holy Spirit guide your life. Let God reign in your heart. If anything is in your life that isn’t worthy of God cast it out. Trust in the Lord in all that you do. We will find eternal happiness in Him. His blessings will overflow on all that seek Him.
We should never put our full trust in man. Giving praise to anybody at the same level or above God is mocking Him. Anyone making mockery of our King will not be saved. We will never know the Lord if we put others before Him. I pray that anyone that finds these types of traditions or hymns in their churches leave it behind. We should find a church that gives praise to God and not man. Follow the Lord and you will find a peace that you’ve never felt before. You will feel the promptings of the Spirit and know what to do. Lift up Jesus’s Holy Name in praise for He is worthy. I will lift up the Lord in praise forevermore. My soul sings hallelujah to my King. All my trust is in Him. I love you Lord.
Psalm 146:1-3
1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!
2 While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
3 Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.

Artist: Desperation Band
Album: Light Up The World (2009)
Song: God Be Praised