Forgive and let go. Do not let your pride keep you from being saved in heaven. Get right with God and others before it is too late.
Inspirations (05-2018)
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/31/2018)
Before you go to sleep, pray, that your dreams may be holy and not vile and perverted in your fantasy world. Even those thoughts are counted for or against you.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/31/2018)
Who will open their Bible and join me in reading God’s Word? What a great time it is to learn from the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (05/30/2018)
Oh the love of God. I am so grateful that He kept coming after me, no matter what. The Lord is so merciful.
Today’s Inspiration (05/29/2018)
God’s wrath is upon all false prophets. Those that follow a false prophet are also on a road to destruction. Be not deceived!
Today’s Inspiration (05/28/2018)
Only God can teach us what is true and show us what is false through the Bible and prayer. Will you come to Him today for answers?
Today’s Inspiration (05/27/2018)
It is so important that we research what is truth and what is false. The Bible is that source of truth.
Today’s Inspiration (05/26/2018)
Any person that makes changes to the Bible text is a liar, as they are denying the purity of God’s Word. And all liars go to hell.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/25/2018)
Come to the Lord in prayer, with confession, and ask for forgiveness. The Lord is merciful to those that are sincere.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/25/2018)
My faith is secure in Christ. It not based on doctrines of men but God’s Words from the Bible. Where does your faith come from?
Today’s Inspiration (05/23/2018)
I’d rather follow Jesus and lift up His Words in the Bible than to trust in the teachings of men that lead to death.
Today’s Inspiration (05/22/2018)
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible, lest you be led astray.
Today’s Inspiration (05/21/2018)
There is only wickedness in a person’s heart when they seek their own pleasures over God. Who does your heart beat for?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/20/2018)
I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ. For this reason, I will proclaim Him even through persecution. God gives me boldness.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/20/2018)
Mormons are “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning...
Today’s Inspiration (05/19/2018)
There is nothing wrong with being called a Jesus fanatic. It just means that your love for the Lord is showing.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (05/18/2018)
If you are committing sexual sin, or have so, without repentance, then you are also an enemy to God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/18/2018)
I challenge each of you that believe in Christ to live out your faith. Repent of your sins and do as the Holy Spirit leads.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/18/2018)
Have you ever wondered how to do God’s will? It is simple. Humble yourself and read the Bible daily. Do as God’s Word teaches.
Today’s Inspiration (05/17/2018)
Don’t expect to go to heaven one day if you are living a life of sin. Believing is not enough. You must do what the Lord says.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/16/2018)
Let me be straight with you. If you are addicted to pornography and then die, without repentance, you will be cast into hell.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/16/2018)
Are you willing to put all your beliefs on the table and read the Bible? Doing so will help you know what is true and what is false.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/15/2018)
God pleads that you no longer take pleasure in the flesh but seek pleasure in the ways of the Spirit. His ways lead to life.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/15/2018)
Sing praises to the Lord. In all things, acknowledge Him and rejoice for you were lost and are found!
Today’s Inspiration (05/14/2018)
The only way we can know if we are on the right path or not is if we are reading the Bible and praying to God on a regular basis.
Today’s Inspiration (05/13/2018)
To be married to a virtuous woman, is what all men that look to God look forward to. And then to find such a person is priceless.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (05/12/2018)
Pray that your eyes will be opened to the filth of this world. This way, you can know of it’s dangers and stay far away.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/12/2018)
Video games with killing in it also goes against God’s commandment to not kill. This is not of God! Do not be deceived.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/12/2018)
Nobody wishes they go to hell but at the same time, hardly anybody does what the Word of God says. You can’t go to heaven without obeying Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/11/2018)
If you aren’t living for God, then your belief and worship is also in vain. Beware, lest you be found a hypocrite.
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