The Mormon Church is false. Every Christian needs to know this, in order to not be deceived themselves and to know how to witness to them. These people are lost and are headed down a path to destruction. For this reason, I have put together a Mormon Resources page. This page holds a wealth of knowledge that will help you know what they believe in and how it is contrary to the Bible. It also makes you aware of all the false teachings they have added to their faith. Please visit “Daily Christian Devotionals” today. This site is for all people. Christians who want to grow closer to Jesus daily, for people coming to Christ for the first time, and for Mormons that are leaving their church and coming unto Jesus. God bless you all.
The Mormon Church Is False
All messages On Mormonism Can Be Found HERE.
This content will help Mormons know the truth of God and surrender their lives to Jesus.
If you have been convicted of the truth of God through God's Word and are a Mormon, then I invite you to resign from the Mormon Church. No longer be deceived, but come to know the real Jesus Christ, our Lord, from the Bible. His teachings will set you on the straight and narrow path to God. Click Here to Resign from the Mormon Church today.
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