Today’s Prayer (04/12/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, I trust in You. Even when times are difficult, it is You that brings peace to my soul. I can be put into a very difficult situation but when I remember Your goodness, You always prepare a way. Nothing is too difficult for You to handle. I am so grateful to have You in my life. Often times, I get caught up into thinking of You. I just love to bask in Your goodness and grace. It is a joy to think of You and Your glorious plan for my life. I am so grateful for the cross. Thank You for paying the price for my sins. You have given me hope, oh Lord. Your gospel of grace is what keeps me going strong. My strength is in the Lord, my God. You deliver me into green pastures. I am so loved. Thank You Jesus. I praise Your holy Name. I love You. Amen.
April 12, 2018
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