Today’s Prayer (02/25/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, my life is Yours. Whatever You will for me, I will do it. Have Your way inside of me. Move me to repent of all my sins. Help me know how I have fallen short and how to get back on track. I no longer wish to walk apart from Your love. Have mercy upon me. Please forgive me. Help my faith grow, each day, that I read the Bible and pray. May it be a shield when temptation strikes. Lead me to You and away from the temptations of the devil. I know that the things of this world do not bring lasting happiness. I am always left wanting something greater. But with You, oh Lord, I am at peace. You have shown me the right way. My desires are to serve You. You are what brings me eternal happiness and joy. The things of this world are nothing compared to Your love for me. May my faith continue to grow. May my love continue to reach other people. Help me to better share You gospel with everyone around me. I know Your ways are true. It is an honor to serve You, my King. I love You. Amen.
February 25, 2018
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