Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, thank You for showing me what is wrong and what displeases You. I am grateful to know this. Help me to stray far away from those things. Help me to not fall back...
Today’s Prayer (01/23/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, may we never forgot Your goodness and grace. May Your praises never escape our lips. You are greatly to praised. I honor You and rejoice in Your great Name. It is a pleasure...
Today’s Prayer (01/22/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, help me to live a life for You. I know that Your ways are good. Keep me from falling into temptation. Direct my path that I may not fall into the traps of...
Today’s Prayer (01/21/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray for everyone that calls themselves Christian to also walk in this fashion. Lord, convict them of their evil deeds, that they may repent. May they take Your chastisement with humility of...
Today’s Prayer (01/20/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, may our lives better serve You. May our hearts be given over to do Your will. I know that You are greater than all things. Only You have the power to save. Please...
Today’s Prayer (01/19/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am so grateful for this beautiful day. Thank You for allowing me live another day in good health. Thank You for allowing my family to travel in safety this day. Even to...
Today’s Prayer (01/18/2018)
Daily Prayer:Lord, I pray for anyone that has not committed to follow You. If their faith is wavering, will You come to them and pierce their hearts, this day. Even this very hour, help them realize...
Today’s Prayer (01/17/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, convict us of our sins. Pierce our hearts that we may live for You. Cast out any addictions in our lives. Give us a good conscience before You. To anyone living a life...
Today’s Prayer (01/16/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am forever grateful for Your mercy. Thank You for Your forgiveness. My life wasn’t always for You, but still You took me in. My sins were great but You still took me...
Today’s Prayer (01/15/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am grateful for the desire, You put in my heart, to encourage others to evangelize. It is You that gives me so much enthusiasm to witness for Your Name’s sake. I am...
Today’s Prayer (01/14/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray that we may recall our sins, this day. Help us know that when we do things contrary to Your will that it is truly hurting You. We aren’t just straying from...
Today’s Prayer (01/12/2018)
Daily Prayer:Thank You Lord for this wonderful night. We couldn’t have reached the people we did, if You weren’t guiding us. Your Spirit directed our paths and we found people ready to receive You. What a...
Today’s Prayer (01/10/2018)
Daily Prayer:Lord, will you give us all an ear to hear your message? Will you open the hearts of all people that love You? Give them words to speak to the lost. Help them know how...
Today’s Prayer (01/08/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, Your ways are so good. Your desires are greater than all things. What dwells within You is holiness. As You walk blameless, we ought to also walk. I am grateful for Your presence....
Today’s Prayer (01/07/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, lead us away from sin. Forgive us when we fall. Have mercy upon our souls. Help us to stay clear from the addictions of the past. When temptations arise, don’t let them take...
Today’s Prayer (01/06/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, will You wake up the hearts of the Mormon people? Will you shine light into their eyes that they may see the deception that they are under. Lord, the truth of what Joseph...
Today’s Prayer (01/05/2018)
Daily Prayer:Lord, Your harvest is surely plentiful. Surely, many that are lost are not ready but few are. I am grateful for those few that we found tonight. Even if a few people’s faith was strengthened...
Today’s Prayer (01/03/2018)
Daily Prayer:Lord, keep our eyes opened. Let us not be given over to any wind of doctrine. If people try to bring in other books of scripture, let us be ready to challenge it, instead of...
Today’s Prayer (01/02/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for coming into my life and giving me a new heart. I was so defiant in my old ways but You have changed me. Instead of...
Today’s Prayer (01/01/2018)
Daily Prayer:Lord, I love Your ways. I love Your commandments and how they have changed me. Your counsels are better than good. They are awesome. I am ecstatic when You give me wisdom. Your words in...
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