Relief From Depression And Suicidal Thoughts

Pray often and allow others in the faith to pray over you also. Reading the Bible is also what you need to be doing daily, in order to withstand the temptations of the devil.

God Gives Us The Love That is Missing

Do we have to live a life of sadness while in this life? The answer is no. However, many people do live like this and even cry themselves to sleep at night.

The Prophesy Of The Messiah

It was after Daniel prayed that the angel Gabriel appeared unto Him. He then spoke of the time frame of when the Messiah would come into the world.

The Reason Why I Witness

How different would your life really be like if you started giving God the time He deserves?  The answer is a change of heart, mind, and soul.

The Gospel Message

The preaching of the cross is what leads a person to repentance and to follow Jesus for salvation. We love God enough, as to never forget the price that Jesus paid for us.

Seek The Lord

We need to put our trust in the Lord. We need to humble ourselves and seek His righteousness. We need to know the Lord better each day.

Only Jesus Saves

Living a life of sin is not worth it. All the world can offer us is temporary joy. True joy is found in Jesus. Give your life to Him.

Trust In The Lord And Pray Often

Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.

A Royal Priesthood

Because you have decided to not just believe but follow Jesus, the Lord has awakened you from your sleep, in order for you to know greater things.

God’s Magnificent Creation

We were made in the likeness of God. We all have a purpose on earth. We are not alone for God is always with us. Thank Him each day in prayer.

Trust In Jesus

Put your trust in Jesus and He won’t let you down. We will find mercy and strength in the Lord. We will one day stand before Him in wondrous awe.

Pornography Needs To Be Addressed

Pornography is adultery in God’s eyes. And because of this, He does not tolerate it either. This is why this vial sin is on the list of willful sins that will keep a person out of heaven when they die.

People Who Commit Suicide Are Not Saved

The act of Suicide is very sad indeed. Not only does this selfish act cause people to grieve, but also causes the same person that killed themself to grieve over their new condition when they wake up in hell.

Jesus Is Coming

Live each day as if the Lord was returning today. Be waiting and ready for His coming. Seek Him often in prayer. Live each day for the Lord.

Faith That Is Fruitful For God

If you say you love Jesus, then obey Him also. Then will your faith be on full display and you will become a light unto the Lord in this darken world.


So the question is now, should believers have any reason to still covet? You may think not, but the answer here might surprise you, because we should. What? How can this be?

David’s Anointing From God

It was after David got the calling from God to be King, that God’s anointing was removed from Saul. So the Spirit of God left him and an evil spirit found rout in Saul’s heart instead.

Priorities In Life

So what does it look like to trust in God with our whole heart? Well, it means doing as He commands us and giving up things that are holding us back from following Him.