Praise God

Because the Lord knows us and loves us so much, He also has prepared a way for us to find true happiness. Those that discover the Lord, are healed from all their sins.

Praise The Lord For He Is Worthy

Speak of the goodness of God. Lift Him up among your friends and family. Proclaim His great Name. Let others know that the Lord God is supreme.

Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord

Lift your hands high and worship the Lord. Sing out in joyous praises to Jesus, our Savior. Allow your love to come out.

Praise The Name Of The Lord

Just to think about what the Lord Jesus has done for me and all mankind is amazing. My mind is blown just thinking about the cross.

Praise The Lord

I love and honor the Lord. All praise to His Name. My soul sings hallelujah. I am saved because of the mercy of my King.

Reasons To Praise The Lord

Another reason why God’s praise is on my lips is because of His mercy. I would be nothing without His forgiveness for my sins.

Look To God And Praise Him

Look to God. Nothing can match His love, His kindness, His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, His compassion and healing power.

Rejoice And Praise The Lord

There is nothing like our God. He is all mighty and can do all things. Things we think are impossible are practical for Him.

It Is So Good To Praise The Lord

Let it be my witness that God is almighty and willing to save us as sinners. He is all merciful and kind. “I called upon the Lord in distress” and “the Lord answered me.”

Praise The Lord In Song

I love to praise You, Lord. I love to worship You. When I sing, I sing out in praise. With all of my heart I will give You glory. I live my life for You.

Praise The Lord Through Dance

I lift You up Lord in praise. Your fire burns bright in my heart. You have awakened me to Your goodness and grace.

Praise The Lord And Give Thanks

What we have all done, while in sin, is a crime against God and this recognition helps us realize what we’ve have done is wrong.

Sing Songs Of Praise

Come and worship the God of the heavens. Come before Him and sing songs to His Name. For He is holy. Holy, holy is His Name. I shout praises to the Name of Jesus.

Live For God And Praise Him

My soul rejoiceth, for I am no longer dead but alive in Christ the Lord. I give Him all my praise and worship for I am saved.

Remember God And Give Praise

Each day can be as hard as we make it. It can also be as good as God allows it. Before get out the door, each day, we must decide on what path we will follow.

Songs Of Praise To The Lord

I know that You are Lord and “good to all.” Your “tender mercies are over all” thy works. Your ways speak loudly of Your compassion for us all.

Praise God For His Mercy

Our Lord God is so merciful and kind. His compassion and love has no end. Till the end of time does He search for us and wish that we would return to Him.

A Burning Desire To Praise God

I know most us love God but have you ever just wanted to feel his presence so strong in your life that all you want to do is praise him?

Praise The Name Of Jesus

I believe in You Jesus. I worship You. I rejoice in your goodness. May my songs give you honor and praise. Let everything I am lift You up high.

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