Thank You Lord for leaving the Word of God for us to read. Teach me of your ways. Lead me and guide me. I love You Jesus!
Oh Lord, I love You. I come to You with arms open wide. You have my heart. I am thankful for the sacrifice on the cross. You bled and died that we can overcome sin. You are so selfless and thoughtful. I am set free by your blood. I pray that all the world will come to know You.
Oh Lord, please bless us as we are tempted each day. We need your deliverance when times are hard. Make our hearts beat only for You. Forgive me Lord, when I falter. I need your presence to keep me strong.
Oh Lord, I will go wherever you want me to go. I will do what You say, for your words are true. You are the Savior of mankind. Lead me to all those in need. Help me know what to say at all times. Let thine be done and not mine. I want to know You better. You have my whole heart. I praise your Holy Name.
Oh Lord, all I need is You. Come and make me new each day. Take my life and make me whole. Fill me with gladness. My life has never been the same since I found You.
Oh Lord, I bow down before You. Let your will be done in my life. I find rest in your presence. Guide and watch over me. I need You every hour. You are most important above all things.
Oh Lord, be with us always. Let your light so shine in our lives. When your Spirit prompts us to share your message, let us be bold. Let your will be done in our lives. We love You, Lord.
Lord Jesus, we love and honor You. We are thankful for your kindness. We know nothing is hidden before You. You can see the darkest secrets in our hearts. Let everything that is hidden come out in the light. Set a revival in our soul. We confess all of our sins to You. We have a desire to change our lives. We can’t do it on our own and need your deliverance. We come to You with open arms. Forgive us for our trespasses. We are sorry for giving into our inner lusts. Let your mercy shine down upon us. Thank You Lord, for giving us another chance in life. We believe in You. Teach us to love more earnestly. Let your kindness flow deep in our hearts. Transform our lives. Give us clean hands. Tear out of our hearts, all our addictions. I am not worthy of your love but you still come to me. Your grace amazes me. I praise your Holy Name.
Oh Lord, have mercy upon us. We are sorry for falling short. We accept your sacrifice on the cross. We come with broken hearts. Let your love shine down upon us. Keep our minds always on You. We give everything to You. Be with us always. Cleanse our thoughts that we can become pure before You. Let your will be done in our lives. We need You every hour. There are so many distractions that take us away from You. Feed us with wisdom that we might make better choices. When temptation arises, shield our eyes that we may not be influenced. Change our hearts that we may seek after good things. It is so easy to give into the world. We need You to walk before us. You make us strong. Even when I am weak you help me choose the right. Your words are my guide. I cherish every moment I have with You. Hallelujah to your Name, Jesus.
Breathe on Us Lord. Let your Spirit lift us up to follow You. Give us a heart to praise You. We know your promises are true. Help us be better witnesses of your truth. Give us a heart to change the world. Lead us to those that are waiting for your message. Let the Spirit touch their hearts. We will go all the way with You. For you are all mighty and powerful. It is an honor to serve our King. Let your truth be in our hearts. Shield our eyes from those that only come to deceive. Help us break free those that have been led to believe false teachings. Let your will be done and not ours. Let your love shine bright in this generation. Break their hearts that your love may find root. Thank You Lord for everything You are. You are most precious in my life. Make us mighty warriors in your sight. Give us boldness. We love You. It is an honor to serve You. All praise your Holy Name!
Oh Lord, my trust is in You. All of your dealings are for my good. May your will be done in my life. I have no fear for You bring joy to my heart. Your promises are good and pure. I reach for You and put all my fears in your hands. May I always have courage to come to You when things are difficult. Build me up and give me courage. You are shield and my fortress. You are most important in my life.
I humbly bow down to worship You Lord. I surrender to You, Jesus. I hunger and thirst for You. All truth can be found in You. I thank You for all of my many blessings. I want to grow closer to You Lord. Guide my life. Keep me on Your Straight and narrow path that leads to life eternal. I will follow You Lord. I love You. I Praise You.
Oh Lord, lead me by the hand. Let your will be done in my life. I look to You as my friend and King. I can’t wait to one day hear you call my name. I will be joyous as the trumpets sound. For you will be with me. I will have finally made it home to live in your glory. I live to one day hear You say, “Well done”. I want to be counted worthy before You. I want you to know me as your faithful friend. I will never quit on You. Each day I proclaim that there is salvation in your name. Come quickly Lord. I love You.
Prayers: July 2016
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