"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Be sound in what the Lord wants you to do and not what the world wants. Even in our trials and struggles in life, our desire to be vigilant for the lord is still visible.
The fear of God brings us back to Him on a daily basis. We have hope in the Lord and His Word. What He does is right.
Those who are proud mock me and other Christians, when it comes to our views against the LGBTQ community.
There is a need to get things off our chest with God. Even in the middle of the night, we have a need to wake up and give Him thanks.
I have kept God’s commands for my life. When He speaks, I obey. God is a part of who I am, and I am grateful for His presence.
God’s Word is what convicts us of our sins. If people simply read the Bible daily, then fewer people would be living apart from God but for Him.
It is important to know God and to Keep His Laws continuously. Walk voluntarily in God’s footsteps with nothing forcing you.
As God calls, I will answer Him. Not just listen but do what He says. This way as people come my way, I will know what to say.
It is important that we ask the Lord, our God to be our teacher. This way, we will know the path that is right and take it.
Humble yourself like unto a child and ask God to help you understand His ways. Then You will learn what is true from His Word.
Ask God to open your eyes so that You might see and know His laws. Ask the Lord to help you understand His commandments.
Seek the Lord with your whole heart. Ask God to help you stay on His path and not wander away from Him and His laws.
This is a wicked and adulterous generation and this sin of homosexuality is sending millions of people straight to hell when they die.
Only fake Christians celebrate pride month with the LGBTQ. These are those who are unsaved and are lost in their sinful state.
God asks His people to be undefiled from the ways of this world. To walk in His ways, along with remembering Him daily.
It is the Gentiles that are delivering the good news of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people in the latter days.
Praise the Lord all ye nations. I am talking about every person, not a group of people. Lift up your hands to the Lord God.
God is the deliverer to those who need Him. In our tears and confessions to God, He comes to our rescue and gives us peace.
Catholics make all kinds of idols for Mary and the Saints, of which never talk and do nothing to help them when they pray.
One thing that is missing in our society is the fear of God, and for this reason, evil is prevailing upon the earth.
The Lord God reigns supreme above all nations. People may not regard Him, but still, He watches over us as a good Father would do.
Those who are saved give to the poor and to others who are in need. This is not a burden but something they do without thinking twice.
We shall not be found empty but full when we learn to fear God. For in so doing, we are mindful of His commandments.
David knew about the Father and our Lord, Jesus. He knew that they are both Lord, but that His Lord was Jesus.
As Christians, we are a reproach to the wicked. Those who are evil do not approve of what we stand for when it comes to God.
Fix your eyes upon the Lord. By so doing, you will not walk in the ways of wickedness, but in His righteousness.
Cry unto the Lord when in trouble. Don’t lean upon yourself and others alone, but know that God wants to help you.
The ways of God are open to everyone and not kept secret. So what are people doing in Mormon temples, but keeping secrets?
Remember God in your daily life. Give Him thanks for things that went well and even things that He brought to your attention.
Give thanks to God on a daily basis. Call upon the name of Jesus and He will come into your life. Make known the Lord our God to people.