Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember the words that were spoken to Moses, which says to keep the Sabbath day holy and to rest from all our labors. I know that I need...
Prayers (03-2022)
Today’s Prayer (03/30/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help protect us from the infectious disease of COVID. This disease has taken millions of deaths worldwide and I pray that my family will not be a statistic....
Today’s Prayer (03/29/2022)
Oh Lord, help us to know Your will. You are the last sacrifice for sins, Jesus, but if there is anything we need to offer up on our behalf, please let us know. In this...
Today’s Prayer (03/28/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will come and heal my family. My oldest daughter is sick with a cold and I pray that she will be healed and be able to go back to...
Today’s Prayer (03/27/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will lead me and all other Christians around the world. My desire is to know You and Your will for me more than ever before. Help me to live...
Today’s Prayer (03/26/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will look to You in faith. Not only in their belief, but know what the Bible says, and also obey it. I am so happy to have both the...
Today’s Prayer (03/25/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will guide me and my brothers and sisters by the hand. May we offer up our lives in a way that pleases You. If I ever do anything that...
Today’s Prayer (03/24/2022)
Oh Lord, I love and honor You. With all my heart do I worship You. All I need is Your hand in my life and I am so happy. It is awesome to live out...
Today’s Prayer (03/23/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will give people wisdom when it comes to knowing who Your true followers are and who are not. We got many false prophets and teachers in the world we...
Today’s Prayer (03/22/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me and other Christians live a life that pleases You. May my life live in a way that it is an offering of thanks to You. In...
Today’s Prayer (03/21/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me in all things. It is never my desire to sin unknowingly. Therefore, I search the scriptures daily, in order to follow what is written and not...
Today’s Prayer (03/20/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will be confronted each time we sin against You and don’t realize we have done so. I know that I am guilty of this so often and if people...
Today’s Prayer (03/19/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand what it means to sacrifice their lives to follow You instead of the things of this world. Without You in our lives, so many things that are...
Today’s Prayer (03/18/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help us make the right choices when it comes to the foods we eat and beverages we drink. In the world we live in, there are many people...
Today’s Prayer (03/17/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will guide me in all things I should do in this life. There may no longer be burnt offerings like in times past, but what I can offer You...
Today’s Prayer (03/16/2022)
Oh Lord, I worship You, my King. Come into this place and fill us with Your presence. May Your will be done in my life today and forever. I will live for You now as...
Today’s Prayer (03/15/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your presence will fill this house and that my wife and my children will all know that You are God. I worship You and invite You into this place. Come...
Today’s Prayer (03/14/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will build us up in the whole armor of God. Build up our loins in Your truth. Dress us in the breastplate of righteousness. May our feet be shod...
Today’s Prayer (03/13/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to You in order to be used by You in Your kingdom. There is so much more work to be done before Your coming, Lord, and I...
Today’s Prayer (03/12/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will step out in the faith. That we will no longer be bystanders but proclaim the good news of the gospel with anyone that You put in our...
Today’s Prayer (03/11/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will not only use me but many more people on the earth today in Your kingdom. I pray that every person who says they believe in You will also...
Today’s Prayer (03/10/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that not only me but other Christians will remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. I am sorry each time I forget it and I am sure other believers feel the...
Today’s Prayer (03/09/2022)
Oh Lord, You are so good. Truly, Your mercy endures forever. There is no end to Your goodness and grace. I am indebted to You for Your forgiveness and for adopting me into Your fold....
Today’s Prayer (03/08/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that one day I may see You face to face, and on good terms. I know that the wicked will see You during the great white throne judgment, while in fear...
Today’s Prayer (03/07/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that fewer people will have their names blotted out of Your book of life. It is hard to fathom that billions of people over the centuries have already had their names...
Today’s Prayer (03/06/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. I have not been the best at keeping it week by week, but I pray that what is written in the...
Today’s Prayer (03/05/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your will, will be done as it is in heaven. Thank You for doing a mighty work through me and other people all throughout the generations. There are certain people...
Today’s Prayer (03/04/2022)
Oh Lord, help us to know Your will for our lives and not the false teachings of men. For centuries people have tried to make money from the gospel message. In the middle ages, the...
Today’s Prayer (03/03/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will have a desire to read all the Bible and not leave out parts like Leviticus and other parts that speak on the sacrificial offerings of animals. These verses...
Today’s Prayer (03/02/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your blood will cover not just myself, but every person in my family. That every one of my family members will come to You in all their confessions. Then, can...
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