Oh Lord, I pray that more people will step out in the faith. That we will no longer be bystanders but proclaim the good news of the gospel with anyone that You put in our path. Help us to be vigilant in knowing and acting upon Your will for us. I truly believe that many people in the faith know what they are supposed to be doing, but have shied away from it for one reason or another. The same can be said for helping people in need. We could hear about a situation with a person or family and know in our hearts that we should go visit them, but instead, we put it on the back burner and forget. Lord, I have seen this happen with me at times and I am sorry. Now, the times I did stop what I was doing and went to visit these people was so special. Every day You put people on my path to witness to, like today. I was walking him from the park and this man recognized me. Instead of talking about life, I brought You up, Jesus, and the importance of raising up our children to know You. Thank You for putting him on my path. I love You, God. I trust in You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/12/2022)
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