Today’s Prayer (03/21/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me in all things. It is never my desire to sin unknowingly. Therefore, I search the scriptures daily, in order to follow what is written and not be led astray. I am so grateful for every word that has been written down in the Bible. It surely is a roadmap to our lives. I am more in tune with Your will then when I sit down and study the Bible than when I am doing my own things. So I give You thanks for the people who helped bring to pass the Bible we have today. So much time and effort were put forth in order for people to read Your words in their own language. You helped in all these efforts in reaching more people with the Bible. What a time it must have been to be alive when this was all taking shape. Since that time, You have sent Your messengers in all the world to preach the gospel. if I am considered part of any of these efforts in the time I live in, I give You thanks. Help me this day to remember to return that which is not mine. If I have anything in my company that I gained without paying for or receiving as a gift, help me to find the rightful owner. I love You, Lord. I give You all the glory and praise. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/20/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will be confronted each time we sin against You and don’t realize we have done so. I know that I am guilty of this so often and if people never say anything about what I have done, I may very well continue to do the same thing over and over again. Thank You, Lord, for helping these people be so bold as to confront me while in sin. Because of their actions, I got back on track with You sooner than I may have otherwise. Truly, You speak through people and I am grateful that You have led these men and women into my life, in order to help me along the way. My desire is to remove the spec out of my own eye, that I might also make mention of other people’s sins. How can I judge another person righteously if I am also in sin and have not gotten right with You on this matter? I know that I would be doing so much wrong if I did this while in sin. Therefore, help me to confess my sins, that You might help me turn from them. Then, can I righteously judge people with the Holy Spirit in me. I love You, Lord. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/19/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand what it means to sacrifice their lives to follow You instead of the things of this world. Without You in our lives, so many things that are evil look very appealing to the flesh. And when we aren’t seeking Your hand, we are instead seeking what the enemy desires for us instead. This is so true for the majority of people in this world. So few of them are truly for You. I wish I could say that they are for You, but You can tell by what takes up their time each day that they are against You. I am afraid that too many people have already died and are now suffering in hell because they only had faith in You in words alone, and were only bystanders. This is very sad to think about, especially when I know that many of my family and relatives are in this camp. Lord, I want to reach them, but the majority have blocked me on Facebook and think I am a Jesus freak and need mental help. If they just knew that You have sent me to be a messenger in this darkened world, then would they listen. Lord, bring to pass more messengers in every city and nation of this world. I believe in You. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/18/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help us make the right choices when it comes to the foods we eat and beverages we drink. In the world we live in, there are many people who would say that one things is good for our bodies and others that would say the exact opposite. Even things we once thought were good for us are now deemed to be toxic and could kill us over time. Therefore, I pray for Your guidance and direction on what I should be consuming. I don’t wish to accidentally eat or drink something that would be detrimental to my health or the health of my wife and my kids. Help me lead them in Your ways and not mine. As I read in Leviticus, I love how You gave specific reasons why certain foods were not good for people. And now I need that same guidance in what is good for us now to eat and to drink. Help me to live a long and healthy life, that way I can serve You to the best of my ability. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/17/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will guide me in all things I should do in this life. There may no longer be burnt offerings like in times past, but what I can offer You is my life to serve You. Do what You wish in and through me. I am here for You, God. The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. I know that You have done Your job in leading people to know You through dreams, visions, encounters, billboards, tv, YouTube, and much more. You love us so much and I pray that I can also help make a dent in leading souls to You also. Lead me to people who are ready to hear the gospel, that I might witness to them, help them, pray with them, and simply fellowship them as a friend. I was one of these people who was searching all those many years ago, and I am grateful that You led me to watch certain people’s YouTube content. It really helped me re-think what I believed in. And now I only wish to conform my beliefs to Yours. I love You, Jesus. Cleanse me through Your blood and forgive me of my sins. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/16/2022)

Oh Lord, I worship You, my King. Come into this place and fill us with Your presence. May Your will be done in my life today and forever. I will live for You now as if I was in heaven. No matter if persecution comes, doing Your will is more important than the anguish I may feel in the body. If I am made fun of, spit upon, tortured, or is killed in Your service, let it be. I will go down fighting the good fight, which is sharing Your good news up until my last breath. I know that I have many people that hate me, but that comes with the exposure of spreading Your truth for so many years. I know that I cannot stop what is taking place behind closed doors and on social media sites. What I ask of people is to consider the message I am presenting and to not fight against Your messenger. Lord, every person needs to know about Your sacrifice on the cross, in order for Your blood to cover them. I may have no words to speak at times when people come to me, but You fill me and I cannot stop declaring and what You did for us, Jesus, on the cross. I love You, Lord. Your blood has cleansed me and made me whole. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/15/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your presence will fill this house and that my wife and my children will all know that You are God. I worship You and invite You into this place. Come and rest awhile with us, that we might be fed with Your wisdom. I want to know You more and have Your presence with me at all times and in all places. Lead me, Lord. Help me to fight against temptation and to stay on Your side. Sin has a way of making us feel that we will be fine with giving in to temptation just once. The devil tells us that we can just repent later and it will be ok. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Surely, we are not told how these sins will make us feel afterward. How we are not the same, for we have trampled upon Your feet. So many people confess after the deed is done but then go back to doing the same sinful things over and over again. The enemy has his clutches in so many people, including me at times, which makes it hard to resist. Lord, I know how this must make You feel and I am so sorry for sinning against You. I ask that You make me clean through Your blood Jesus. Wash me white as snow and help me to not fall in the same way again. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/14/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will build us up in the whole armor of God. Build up our loins in Your truth. Dress us in the breastplate of righteousness. May our feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Give us the shield of faith that we might fight off the fiery darts of the enemy. Place upon our heads the helmet of salvation. A sword is the last thing we need, for it contains the Holy Spirit that dwells within the Bible. With Your armor in our lives, we can withstand every evil thing that comes before us. Nothing we can do on our own will help us, but only if You are the one leading us. Lord, the greatest thing I desire is to be used by You in Your kingdom. There are many other things I could be doing with my time, but it does not hold a candle to what is needed for Your kingdom on earth. Therefore, I submit myself to You this day and forever. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me through Your blood. Shine Your light upon me that I might become a light unto the world, as with my brothers and sisters in the faith. I love You, Lord. I live my life to honor You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/13/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to You in order to be used by You in Your kingdom. There is so much more work to be done before Your coming, Lord, and I pray that people will step up to the plate. I love to serve You, but I am only one person, and to reach the number of people I desire for Your kingdom, it would take way too long. So God, call your willing servants, that they may also go out in the harvest with me and others in their own cities. In this valley, the amount of people witnessing on the streets is minimal. Even in Utah, it is the same way. Lord, Patrick and I can only reach so many people while on our mission trips to Utah. I wish that it would be easier to present these evangelical opportunities to people, but too many people are busy. So I pray for more servants in the harvest. It is white, already to harvest, but the people are missing. You have energized my soul, but I am hoping for more help. May people step up all around the world for You. I love You, God. I trust in You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/12/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will step out in the faith. That we will no longer be bystanders but proclaim the good news of the gospel with anyone that You put in our path. Help us to be vigilant in knowing and acting upon Your will for us. I truly believe that many people in the faith know what they are supposed to be doing, but have shied away from it for one reason or another. The same can be said for helping people in need. We could hear about a situation with a person or family and know in our hearts that we should go visit them, but instead, we put it on the back burner and forget. Lord, I have seen this happen with me at times and I am sorry. Now, the times I did stop what I was doing and went to visit these people was so special. Every day You put people on my path to witness to, like today. I was walking him from the park and this man recognized me. Instead of talking about life, I brought You up, Jesus, and the importance of raising up our children to know You. Thank You for putting him on my path. I love You, God. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/11/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will not only use me but many more people on the earth today in Your kingdom. I pray that every person who says they believe in You will also step up to the plate in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit also. Then, will they begin to do Your will as it is in heaven, for Your presence will be with them. There is so much more we could be doing for Your sake. Many places around the world have few, if not no Christians, and that could easily change if people would allow You to move in their lives. It does take a lot of boldness to step out into places that are unknown, and possibly hostile. But the moment that we open our mouths and share the gospel with others, You fill us with the words to speak to people. Never have You let us down when we step out in faith. The same goes for people who give money towards their church, missions, and other places. You are the giver of all things and I don’t fear going broke if my only intention is to use my money for Your kingdom. I once focused on my fleshly needs and I got into a lot of trouble with my money. It is so different when I use my money for Your sake, God. I love to help churches and people alike. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/10/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that not only me but other Christians will remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. I am sorry each time I forget it and I am sure other believers feel the same way. Forgive us, Lord, for not resting on Your appointed day. Help me to make it a priority above all other days to rest from my labors and to only do Your will. One thing I have been bad at is going out to eat on the Sabbath day. I have learned that I am keeping others working on this important day and I will stop doing this also. Anything I choose to do may it be Your will and not my own. Help me to not be led by my own desires, but by the wisdom that You give to me. Only through the Holy Spirit can I be led to know the truth and also walk in it. So fill me with the Spirit, that Your light will shine brightly inside and outside of me. I don’t wish to keep Your light and abundance of love to myself, but to share it with others. We are a light in this darkened world, but only if You are dwelling in us. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor, this day and forever. You deserve all the glory. Use me for Your kingdom. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/09/2022)

Oh Lord, You are so good. Truly, Your mercy endures forever. There is no end to Your goodness and grace. I am indebted to You for Your forgiveness and for adopting me into Your fold. I don’t deserve Your love for me, but still, You extend it to someone that could have easily been shunned because of what I have done. I was once under Your wrath, but that is all gone now. I am now under grace. The feelings You bring into my life are like nothing I have ever felt before. Your peace and serenity are real. I feel so uplifted after I pray and read the Bible. Doing Your will afterward brings me so much joy. I love talking with You, Lord. So often have I felt an immediate response in the chills I feel all over my body. This makes me want to rejoice and praise Your holy Name that much more. You deserve the glory and praise. Lord, although I have done work in Your kingdom I don’t wish for anyone to give me the recognition for those things. You should be recognized instead. I love You, Jesus. You are the reason I have done anything good in this life. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/08/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that one day I may see You face to face, and on good terms. I know that the wicked will see You during the great white throne judgment, while in fear and trembling before You. When I finally see You, I pray that I am in paradise before Your throne. I love You, Lord. I pray that You have found me worthy to enter heaven. Be with me, God. Guide me on the path of righteousness. Help me to be the father I should be for my children. Help me to be the husband I should be for my wife. Check everything that is in my life and help me remove anything that goes against Your will. Be with me and help me. See my needs and the needs of my family. I have prayed about many things over and over again and I pray that I will one day find closure upon those things. I truly feel that these things are important and I pray that I will find favor in Your sight. I don’t wish my health to interrupt what I could be doing for You as an evangelist for Your kingdom and while at work. You are my greater healer and I pray that I will be healed in Your due time. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/07/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that fewer people will have their names blotted out of Your book of life. It is hard to fathom that billions of people over the centuries have already had their names removed and are now suffering in hellfire because of what they have done. I don’t wish this type of torment on anyone, especially people I know and love. But the more I read and understand what Your word says in the Bible, the more I know that hell is real. It was prepared for the fallen angels, but once people started sinning against You in the same or worse fashion, they also were also justly sent there. Truly, there are many tears shed in this place. So many people wish they could go back in time and change the outcome of their lives. All the people who had opportunity after opportunity to do Your will and did not will suffer because of their bad choices. Lord, help me to never fall victim to the enemy as I had in the past. Take every ounce of sin from my life now and cast it off from me. Forgive me and make in me a clean heart. Cleanse me through the blood that You shed, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/06/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. I have not been the best at keeping it week by week, but I pray that what is written in the Bible on this important topic will remain with me throughout each week. This way, when Saturday comes around, I will more likely observe the Sabbath day and not work as the Jewish people do. I am so happy to not have to work on the weekends. This way I can rest on Your holy day. May Your will be done in my life starting this day forward. I am sorry for disobeying You and going to places where I keep people working on the Sabbath day. Surely, it is good to be a witness for You on this day, to go to a church service or Bible study, pray by myself and with others, to sing songs of praise to Your Name, as well as listen and obey You. This is the day that I hope to seek Your hand the most and not do my own will. Speak through me and into other people’s lives. Do a work through me, so that other people will be impacted for Your good. I believe in You, Lord. The Sabbath day is holy, so help me keep it that way each week. I love You. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/05/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your will, will be done as it is in heaven. Thank You for doing a mighty work through me and other people all throughout the generations. There are certain people who have done more than others for the glory of Your kingdom in heaven, but I know that as long as people desire to do Your will, Your purposes will happen through us. No matter how great or small our accomplishments are, all we desire is to be blessed by our King. We are sorry if we could have done more for You, but are grateful for the things we have accomplished in this short time on earth. My motivation to live is to serve You, God, and no one else. Thank You for hearing my prayers and for helping me figure out so many things that I was incapable of on my own. You have helped me accomplish the hardest of tasks in such a quick and precise manner. Surely, what I have done for You could never have happened lest you were with me. And now, Lord, there is a mission trip to Utah coming up in April. Help me and Patrick as we go out and share the gospel with the lost. Give us words to speak and carry us through the Holy Spirit to those who will be interested. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/04/2022)

Oh Lord, help us to know Your will for our lives and not the false teachings of men. For centuries people have tried to make money from the gospel message. In the middle ages, the Catholic church sold indulgences, in order to build up their church funds, while we also see televangelists and other preachers asking for thousands of dollars to bolster not their ministry, but hidden agendas. Truly, many people in times past were duped into giving their money in order to free people from purgatory and to even save their own souls through penances. These evil popes, cardinals, and bishops, were not for You but for their fleshly needs instead. The same goes with people in our time that take people’s money and use it on planes, expensive cars, mansions, and more. Lord, I pray that people will know when they are under a strong delusion and also run from it. I am grateful that You have given me wisdom, in order to not participate in any church whose goal is to take people’s money and not use it for Your glory. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/03/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will have a desire to read all the Bible and not leave out parts like Leviticus and other parts that speak on the sacrificial offerings of animals. These verses help us understand the importance of You, Jesus, coming into the world. There was no sacrifice in the old covenant that could put an end to the animal sacrifices. Only Your sacrifice on the cross meant that no more blood had to be shed. You are the last sacrifice for the sins of the world. No person would ever want to or even carry this type of burden upon themselves, while also carrying it out to fulfillment. They would fail each time. This sacrifice needed to come from someone who was perfect, just like the spotless lambs that were sacrificed in times past. That perfect person is You, God. Thank You for dying on the cross for me, even though it must have been so painful to bear. As You bled and died, You gave me and the rest of the world a chance to be cleansed through Your blood and be saved. Thank You for saving me. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/02/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your blood will cover not just myself, but every person in my family. That every one of my family members will come to You in all their confessions. Then, can they be made clean through Your blood. Over these many years, it has been a struggle to get anybody in my family to listen to me when it comes to You, Jesus. I have been ridiculed by almost all of them at least once, and although it has been hurtful I have no hard feelings towards any of them. They may call me a Jesus freak or other mean things, but it still won’t stop me from sharing Your gospel message with them. There are some doors that are closed off to me now, and I pray that they will one day be opened up to me again. I don’t want anybody to miss the day of their salvation because of their pride. It is so true, God, that I can’t change anybody or lead anybody to You by myself. I need Your hand in my life. Only through the Holy Spirit can people come to Your table and be saved. Speak through me and help me walk in Your ways day in and day out. I love You, Lord. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/01/2022)

Oh Lord, help me and others in the faith know and understand Your words in the Bible. Not just the teachings of the New Testament, but what was taught in the Old Testament as well. I have found so many parallels with the tabernacle and the New Jerusalem today while studying Exodus, chapter 28, and Revelation, chapter 21. I am blessed to have Your wisdom in seeing how important the twelve tribes of Israel are. What this does, God, is help me respect the Jewish people that much more. They are Your chosen people and I am sorry for anything I’ve said contrary in the past. For any person to degrade the people of Israel, I rebuke them and ask them to repent of their false judgments. I am just grateful to be adopted into Your fold with Israel. You didn’t have to allow me in, but You heard my cries and had compassion upon my soul. Because You love me so much, You died for me and washed all my sins away through Your blood. Thank You, Jesus. I owe You everything. There is nothing I have now that I will not sacrifice for Your cause. I love You, Lord. Have Your way in my life. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/28/2022)

Oh Lord, thank You for this day and every day that I have lived up until now. I am on solid ground, having You as the light that guides me. I love Your guidance and direction. Each time I listen and obey Your voice I am so much better off. I am no longer alone in this darkened world, for You have taken my hand and brought me on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven. I don’t want anything else but things that will help lead me to where You are, God. I know that there are many counterfeits out there with false gospels, false prophets, and false Christs. Help me to not be drawn to churches or people that are not really for You. Your sheep hear Your voice and I am so grateful to be among them. You have taken a wretch like me, while molding and shaping me into the person I am today. Every sin has been covered by Your blood. Every worry about me not matching up with what You want for me has vanished. All my doubts have been undone. You have given me steps to follow and I am safe in Your matchless presence. Lord, lead me now and forever in this life and the next. I want to be in heaven, but I know that my time is not up yet. Until then, use me for Your kingdom in a mighty way. All I desire is to lead people to know You, Jesus. I love You, Lord. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/27/2022)

Oh Lord, thank You for allowing us to have You in our everyday lives. The veil was torn the day that You died for us, Jesus, and I am so grateful that You gave us an opportunity to have the holy of holies in our lives. Yes, God, You are holy and I am grateful to have Your matchless presence with me at all times and in all places. You give me rest from the storms of life. I am at peace, although life is not always easy. I have had my share of trials during this marriage, but You have strengthened me through it all. Thank You for hearing my cries and for coming to my rescue when I needed You most. You came and wiped away all my tears. Praise God. You have also heard my cries during the times I have fallen into sin, and instead of writing me off, You had mercy upon my soul. Thank You, God. I thought that I had sinned too much and that I was too wretched for Your forgiveness. Now I know that You are a patient God and continue to see the best in us, although we cannot always see it. I am so grateful to have You in my life. You are a just and holy God. I trust in You and give You my life. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/26/2022)

Oh Lord, I am grateful to know about the things that You love and wish for us to do on earth. On the same note, I have also learned to hate the things that You hate and for us not to do on earth. Although many things are done away with that were part of the old covenant, Your tabernacle still resides in heaven, which I think is so awesome. I love Your ten commandments, for they only make me a better person as I remember them and obey them. Your ways are so important and that is why I cling to them day in and day out. There is a reward for those who do Your will on earth. As for me, my desires are not on the things of this world, but what I am able to build up in heaven. So I pray that You have found my sacrifices for You honorable, Lord. I only wish to please You and to help others know You, Jesus. Keep me upright and shine brightly through me and into other people’s lives. Your light is so magnificent and for it to radiate through me is all I desire. You are so good, God. I praise Your holy Name. Lead me from temptation and forgive me of my sins. I love You, Lord. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/25/2022)

Oh Lord, give us peace in the times we are living in. As I speak, there is a country in disarray that needs Your help. With Ukraine being attacked by Russia, I am very saddened and pray that You comfort these people who are afflicted by the blasts and gunfire in that country. I know that there are many people in hiding and I pray that they will find shelter and a place where they can be safe from the enemy. Lord, wherever these people are, bring them strength. Help our own countries leaders also to make the best choices for their people. I would hate to see this end up in a World War 3, but I know that anything could happen at this point. So what I want now, Lord, is for You to make us fearless to the advances of the enemy. You have not given us a spirit of fear, but a sound mind. I believe in You, God. We may not be in heaven yet, but I know that it is at the doors for many of us who love You. Help us to stay strong in the faith no matter what happens in the future. Surely, our faith will be tested. So lead us from temptation. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. You do this, Lord. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/24/2022)

Oh Lord, I desire to be where You are. Allow me to dine with You today. As I think upon You now, take me up into Your loving arms. I wish I could see You with my own eyes, but if that is not possible, give me spiritual eyes, that I might see You. In this hour that I pray, I also give You praise. I exalt You, Lord. You are the Lamb of God that came to take away the sins of the world. You are the good shepherd. I am a sheep in Your fold, and You are my shepherd, of whom I love with all my heart. Lead me safely home to be with You in heaven. One day I will die, and I pray that in that hour that I will go up to paradise and be in Your heavenly presence. Then, will I forever be with You, Lord. Even now, I hold back tears just thinking of that time and hour when I will finally see You face to face. Truly, it is an honor to be called Your son and to be led out of the bondage of sin. Have Your way in me now and forever. I will go and do as You say, God. Everything You teach me I will harken unto also. Lead me from temptation and build me up in Your strength. Help me to fight against the enemy. The times we are living in are very difficult, but with You in our lives, we are safe, secure, and in peace. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/23/2022)

Oh Lord, all I desire is to listen to Your voice and also do what You say. There are so many evil forces out there and I need Your help in extinguishing them from my life. Don’t allow me to get wrapped up in to things that I will later regret as time goes on. If there is any sin in my life now, please remove it. Cleanse me from within, Lord. Forgive me of all my sins. My desire to be made clean and have You pardon my transgressions is real. God, if there is anything in my life that is not for You, remove it. I am speaking of anything that is taking my time away from You, then bring them to my mind. Many people have strange gods in their lives because they have chosen to live a life that is foreign and worldly. To these people, I must ask if they have not heard You say, God, that we are to be separate from those people of the world? This is the truth, for the Bible says this. Put Your Spirit in us, God, and help us live differently. Shine brightly before us. I trust in You, Lord. I believe in You, God. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/22/2022)

Oh Lord, help us to learn to be selfless in this very prideful and selfish world we live in. Most people just care about themselves and could care less about people who are in need. Lord, why is it that Pastors hardly ever mention the needs of widows in churches today? Why is it is hard to know their circumstances after they have lost so much? It doesn’t have to be a huge broadcast, but at least a message sent to the pastors, elders, evangelists, and prayer warriors. It would be so amazing, God, to see people in numbers administering to people who have lost their spouse because of death. As for me, I love to visit my stepmother, who is a widow. Back in 2015, my dad died and it has been very hard on her since then. Lord, continue to be with her and comfort her. It has been seven years since my father passed, but I will never forget Him, nor will my siblings and stepmother. You know exactly where he is now, Lord. Give my stepmother peace, knowing he is in a better place. I love You, Lord. I praise You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/21/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the gravity of the situation when it comes to abortion. As I’ve read in Exodus, chapter 21, and other places in the Bible, the very act of stopping childbirth from happening is grievous in Your sight. Therefore, it is hard to believe that people would still murder their child and also be for abortion in any fashion of the word. I am sickened by all the planned parenthood and other abortion clinics out there, where the workers therein cannot even see the issues that lie with abortion. Truly, this must mean that these people do not love You. For how can they say they do, if they only wish to hurt a most precious child who is waiting to be born? My only wish is that abortion would stop, but I know that this may never happen until Your second coming, Jesus. Only then will these evil workers be found out and also be punished. I don’t want any person to feel Your wrath, especially after this life in hell. Therefore, I plead for every person who has ever been involved with an abortion to repent and get with You, Lord. There is forgiveness while we still have breath. I love You, God. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/20/2022)

Oh Lord, have Your way in my life. My only wish is to have Your presence with me at all times and in all places. With Your presence with me, I have the power to overcome the forces of the enemy. However, without You in my life, I am so weak to Satan’s temptations. I am sorry for falling under those circumstances and am so grateful that You have picked me back up while forgiving me. Therefore, I pray that You will never leave my side. Forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me through Your blood, Jesus. Sanctify me and make me clean, my Lord. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. Your redeeming blood is exactly what we need to be in Your right standing. Lord, the enemy continues to try to tempt me, that I might do what is wrong and leave what is good behind. Lately, He has done this through covetousness. Desiring things that I do not have. Help me resist. I only wish to be led by Your hand. If I do buy things, may it also glorify You at the same time. As my eyes are upon people, help me to see them as You see us. That I might minister to them with love while leading them into Your loving arms. I love You, Lord. I give You praise, glory, and honor. Lead me safely home. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/19/2022)

Oh Lord, come and set us free from every bad habit, addiction, and other sinful ways. I don’t wish to sin willfully against You, God, and I pray that others in the faith feel the same way. Help us not fall victim to different sins, while also justifying them because of how they make us feel inside. Truly, Satan wants people to feel this way in order to put a stronghold on their lives. But Lord, You are stronger than any evil force that may come at us. All of these wicked and abominable temptations can have no effect on us if we are living for You. When I live each day for You I feel less tempted to do evil. You have put Your Spirit in me and I am able to live a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord. I am not perfect in any way but am grateful that You have given me a mighty defense against the enemy. Today, You have put the ninth commandment on my mind and I am so grateful. I used to say, “just kidding”, all the time to everyone around me, but now I know that this is lying and I resist saying it at all costs. You are the one that helps me not say this, but to also not lie in the first place. Thank You, God, for changing me and for giving me new desires. I love You, Lord. Amen.