Oh Lord, thank You for this first day of the mission trip to Utah. Truly, it was an amazing time to visit with Luis, Judah, and his wife. This was a perfect day to start...
Prayers (09-2021)
Today’s Prayer (09/29/2021)
Oh Lord, prepare our hearts now for the millennium. I am talking about the time when You will be on earth, Jesus, and ruling and reigning with the saints. I hope to be around at...
Today’s Prayer (09/28/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will not give in to the enemy and fall away before this life is over. Satan has so many tricks up his sleeves to steer us in a direction...
Today’s Prayer (09/27/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray for people who are on earth now and will be when You return Jesus. If people have not repented on that day, then they will get what they rightly deserve. Justice...
Today’s Prayer (09/26/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will make a spot for me during the marriage ceremony of the Lamb. I have lived this life for You, and pray that I will be there among all...
Today’s Prayer (09/25/2021)
Oh Lord, You are so good to us. Though we don’t always deserve Your mercy, You extend it just the same. Those who love and follow Your commands are those who have experienced Your abundant...
Today’s Prayer (09/24/2021)
Oh Lord, You are so good to me. What have I done to merit Your favor in my life? Nothing. But still, You have seen something in me that myself and others could never see....
Today’s Prayer (09/23/2021)
Oh Lord, it is so good to have You in my life. I know how it once was when I put all my trust in people who only failed me. I was so lost and...
Today’s Prayer (09/22/2021)
Oh Lord, I lift my hands up to praise You. I don’t deserve the life I have now. You could have taken it away a long time ago. You know how deep I was into...
Today’s Prayer (09/21/2021)
Oh Lord, I worship You, my King and my God. Only through You am I any different than before. If there has been a change from within that people have noticed, You have done it...
Today’s Prayer (09/20/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray for every person throughout the world who is part of the Catholic church. Wake them up to the idolatry they are under when it comes to praying to Mary, the saints,...
Today’s Prayer (09/19/2021)
Lord, it is my prayer that people will not have to find out in the long run that their names are not written in the book of life. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody, even...
Today’s Prayer (09/18/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people who are truly seeking You will find You in this life. Too many people are trapped in false religions that do not save and I wish I could help...
Today’s Prayer (09/17/2021)
Oh Lord, bring peace into the lives of everyone that is affected by the death of my niece. She was so young at the age of 27 and I know that many people right now...
Today’s Prayer (09/16/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people than ever before will get right with You today. Sooner than we think, Your return will be upon us. Some for the rapture of the church and others...
Today’s Prayer (09/15/2021)
Oh Lord, thank You for speaking through me this day. As I stopped my car I was greeted by my neighbor who was excited to see me. This was after a two-hour drive home and...
Today’s Prayer (09/14/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that fewer people have to be around when it comes to the angels pouring out their vials of Your wrath upon the wicked. This will be devastating, to say the least...
Today’s Prayer (09/13/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will make a decision to follow You. To give up everything they think they know, in order to be led by You and no one else. Give us wisdom,...
Today’s Prayer (09/12/2021)
Oh, how glorious, just, and true are You, oh Lord Jesus. I worship You, my King. Nothing can ever take away the joy that You have given me. Your ways are just and true. Everything...
Today’s Prayer (09/11/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that many of the people I reached today at the Gay Pride Festival will be saved. That they will come to a saving knowledge of You, Jesus, and repent of their...
Today’s Prayer (09/10/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that anybody who thinks they can fight against You will repent before it is too late. It is hard to believe that anybody could ever feel this way, but I know...
Today’s Prayer (09/09/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will not only use me mightily for Your cause but that many other people will also follow suit. To live and die for Your cause is what I am...
Today’s Prayer (09/08/2021)
Oh Lord, my God, I pray for more and more salvations. There is freedom from the chains of sin and death only through Your great Name. I believe in You, Jesus. You are my healer,...
Today’s Prayer (09/07/2021)
Oh Lord, I worship You. You are my God and no other person will ever take me away from You. No matter if a person comes into power and causes people to worship something that...
Today’s Prayer (09/06/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will give me wisdom that is beyond my understanding. There are so many mysteries in the Bible that I need answers to. I read Your words daily, in order...
Today’s Prayer (09/05/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will be led by the enemy, but Your hand alone. Lead us all our days through the Holy Spirit. Keep us In Your light that shines brightly in the...
Today’s Prayer (09/04/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in Your church will stand strong against the enemy, who is Satan. His attacks are many, but Your strength is far greater than any persecution He throws at us....
Today’s Prayer (09/03/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your people, who are the Jews and Gentiles who believe in You, will endure in their faith. It is a great shame to know that people who once loved and...
Today’s Prayer (09/02/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your people will remain strong in the faith, no matter what battles come our way. Persecution is already rising against the church at this time and I have personally seen...
Today’s Prayer (09/01/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your people will be ready for Your return. One day soon, the angels will blow their trumpets, while angels will gather Your saints from the four corners of the earth....
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