Children Of God Through Faith In Christ Jesus
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are adopted in as sons and daughters of God. We are not automatically called His children at birth.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are adopted in as sons and daughters of God. We are not automatically called His children at birth.
In this lost generation, the desire to call upon God is less and less. It is like people struggle to find any desire to pray.
The verse that Mormons take out of context in the Bible, more than any other, comes in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 29.
It is important to develop a deep trust in God’s protection. Only then will we obtain an unwavering commitment to His commandments.
To every Mormon. Please stop baptizing people into a cult. God does not approve. Repent and come to the true Jesus of the Bible.
The Mormon Temple is of the devil. If you are going to these temples, then you need to stop in order for Satan to leave you.
There is no evidence for the Book of Mormon or anything that takes place in it. Cities and their names have never been found, and people’s names have never been found on graven stone.
There are many reasons why people should not read the Book of Mormon. #1, it teaches a false atonement…
My hiding place is with God and His Word, the Bible. We come to Him for wisdom from on high and bask in His awesome presence as we pray.
When God is with us, He continues to pour out His Spirit upon us. This is when we gain wisdom from on high.
Through Jesus’s death and atonement on the cross we can be forgiven and be covered by His blood. This is open to anybody who would receive Him as Lord.
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following.
In Mormonism, they believe that a portion of God’s truths are in various religions. How the one true God gave them a portion of His light.
Who are the people who are not going to heaven? These are those who are fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals…
Come to the Lord freely, having nobody pushing you along the path. In private, ask God to teach you His judgments.
The truth of the matter is that very few if any Mormons will ever be saved. These people are so brainwashed.
Mormons teach that our Father in Heaven is Adam. How Adam is our Eternal Father, while Eve is mother, of whom gives birth to our spirits
I bear witness that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. He was a con-man, adulterer, and was not led by God, but Satan.
What Mormons don’t realize is 1 Corinthians 15 is talking about earthly bodies and heavenly bodies, not kingdoms in heaven.
Every false convert gives only a few hours a week to Jesus and His kingdom. Instead, they live week after week for the flesh.
There are NO Homosexuals in heaven. It is for this reason that I go out and warn the people of the LGBTQ community of the wrath to come.
It is because of the Mormon temples that these lost people believe they will be exalted to Godhood.
Mormons deny the teaching in Revelation 21:1, where it says New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.
You’ve heard the Mormons say that Jesus bled from every pore while he was in the garden. This statement does not come from the Bible but from this verse.
There is a real Hell and worse than that is the Lake of Fire. Our worst nightmares don’t even compare to what Hell and then the Lake of Fire is like.
I have sang the song many times called, “Thy Word”, but never understood its true meaning. This changed when I put my full trust in Jesus.
My true desire in life is to lead Mormons to Jesus. I love them so much as to help them come out of the fire and to the foot of Jesus for salvation.
Nothing can compare to the depth and richness found within the pages of the Bible. It quiets our doubts, lifts our spirits, and nourishes our souls.
Divine understanding does not operate within the limitations of human knowledge, but transcends it entirely.
It is important to appreciate God’s commandments. Only then can we be for the Lord and walk in His ways and not our own.