Prayer Requests

I am pleased to announce a Forum Section for Prayer Requests on “Daily Christian Devotionals”. Now people can add their own prayer request by simply adding a Topic in the Prayer Requests Section. Each prayer is a topic and will be listed for all people to see when posted. People have the opportunity to post a prayer or comment on someone else’s. You are also able to see all your recent prayers and comments by hitting the “Recent Posts” tab. You will be notified when someone comments on your prayer. There is also a search button, to search for specific prayers. Lastly, you can subscribe to Prayer Requests, so that when new prayers are added, you will get notified. Any prayer requests that are added, I’d love to pray over. God bless you all.

Here is a LINK to the Prayer Requests Section..

I’ve added the first prayer request for Patrick James Leyerle HERE.

The main Forum link is HERE. If other Forum Sections are added, besides Prayer Requests, you will see them here.

Screenshots of the Forum, Prayer Requests and Patrick James Leyerle’s Prayer is below…


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