Today’s Prayer (02/20/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Lord, I pray that people will answer Your call, this day. As You beckon them to come to You, may they have an open ear. May their hearts be open to receive You. Let the Spirit pierce their hearts, in order to repent of their sins. My heart aches to know that so many church goers are on the wide gate to hell. It is sad that most these people don’t even realize the life they are leading. Lord, help them know that we cannot continue to willfully sin and still believe in You. There must be a change of heart and mind. We must be born again. Help them realize how desperate they really are to have You as their Savior. We cannot do anything to save ourselves but You alone, Jesus. We need Your mercy and forgiveness. We need Your power in our lives, in order to brake the chains of addiction. Will You come into each our lives now. Take refuge in our hearts and have your way within us. I will follow You, my King. I love You. Amen.
February 20, 2018
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