Behold The Handmaid Of The Lord
Jesus did come those two thousand years ago. God came down and became flesh. He lived a perfect and sinless life.
Jesus did come those two thousand years ago. God came down and became flesh. He lived a perfect and sinless life.
Mary had found favor with God. Therefore, she was told that she would bring forth a son, who is called Jesus.
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were priceless gifts, and still, they were given willfully to Jesus, the Messiah.
Jesus’s birth is the best thing that has ever happened to mankind. God became flesh to save His people from their sins.
Jesus is the reason why we do anything during this Christmas season. We remember His glorious birth.
Mormons teach a false doctrine that says that eternal marriage was given to Adam and Eve, but as time went by it was taken from the earth.
If baptisms for the dead was performed by church leaders in the past, then these writings would be available to Christians today.
Young children are not accountable for their actions. When they die, there is a special place prepared for them in paradise.
If Jesus has changed your life and you are saved through His blood, make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
The fear of God is missing in people’s hearts. Therefore, they often say they are saved without any desire to live for Jesus.
What Mormon missionaries talk about is not what Christians believe in or have kept to be true for the many years of their lives.
Give your praises to God Almighty. Make your vows before Him and be confident in keeping them also.
Mormon missionaries need to stop what they are doing and go home from their mission. What they are doing is not doing God a favor.
Do not receive false witnesses in Mormonism in your homes, nor tell them Godspeed, this way you won’t be partaking in their evil deeds.
Hell opens up its mouth to receive every worker of iniquity upon death. Even people who feel like they are saved.
Remember to pray often. Ask God to hear your voice, that He may give ear to what is on your heart and mind.
God is my supplier. He satisfies my soul. When I am thirsty, He gives me drink. When I am hungry, I am fed.
Wait upon the Lord. The best things in life comes from His hands. He is my rock and my salvation.
Mormons are in conflict when it comes to worshiping Jesus. Depending upon the person you ask you will get different answers.
Mormons teach that Jesus’s atonement started in Gethsemane and ended on the cross, putting the emphasis on the garden.
Out of Jesus’s own mouth came the teaching that the Father is Spirit, and if Spirit, there is no body of flesh and bones.
Mormons claim that Jesus and Lucifer are the offspring of the Father. How Jesus is the firstborn of the Father where later came Lucifer.
Mormons are not Christians, and this is because of how they downplay Jesus as God. They don’t believe He was always God. How Jesus had to become a God like unto all other Gods before Him. Bruce McConkie wrote, “the Lord Jesus worked out his
Jesus was born of a virgin, who is called Mary. Not a woman that already had sex with the Father, as Mormons teach. This is so blasphemous.
The gospel message is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. It does not include Gethsemene.
Jesus is our better tabernacle. The Messiah and Savior to come. He came and died for our sins, taking away the need for earthly tabernacles.
All year long, it is important to have a thankful heart. We show this towards people in life and especially God.
What do men and women do during their endowment sessions in the Mormon temples? They put on Lucifer’s priesthoods.
There is no more priesthood given to man, for Jesus is our high priest. He is the only one who holds the priesthood.
If we are willfully disobedient to God, He casts us off. We are scattered along with the wicked in this darkened world.
People sin every day in the way they speak. This happens in how they curse others and God, while intentionally lying about others.