There is one sin that is leading many people to hell and it is “UNFORGIVENESS”. Even Christians will not go to heaven because of this sin.
Inspirations (01-2023)
Today’s Inspiration (01/30/2023)
Calling all people who claims to be part of the LGBTQ community to repentance. You are giving into the temptations of the devil.
Today’s Inspiration (01/29/2023)
Jesus is our greater tabernacle for all mankind. Those who trust in the Lord are blessed in this life and the next.
Today’s Inspiration (01/28/2023)
Keep your head high. As churches are being burnt down, ransacked, or taken over, know that God is still with you wherever you are.
Today’s Inspiration (01/27/2023)
Jesus is God and stands supreme among the angelic realm, who are the sons of God, or gods.
However, on earth, there are wicked judges.
Today’s Inspiration (01/26/2023)
Although not perfect, God’s true followers are grateful that Jesus has saved them. Therefore, they gladly worship Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/25/2023)
Die to yourself daily and live for the Lord. This means to examine ourselves before God and confess our sins openly.
Today’s Inspiration (01/24/2023)
Give ear, oh God, to Your people. You have led the children of Israel in the past, so come and do the same to us. …
Today’s Inspiration (01/23/2023)
Mormons use scare tactics to keep people from leaving their cult. They use phrases like “sons of perdition” and apostates for people who do.
Today’s Inspiration (01/22/2023)
In life’s difficult trials it is so easy to blame God and believe that He has given up on us. In our tears, we may ask why us?
Today’s Inspiration (01/21/2023)
Many people who claim to be religious have also bought into Satan’s lies. That they will become a god. We see this in Mormonism.
Today’s Inspiration (01/20/2023)
If you are a Christian and know your Bible, you will notice the majority of Mormon teachings are not Biblical but man-made teachings. Paul Gee / January 19, 2023 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (01/19/2023)
The Bible is clear how we are saved. Salvation doesn’t come by way of grace plus works but by grace alone, faith alone.
Today’s Inspiration (01/18/2023)
Mormons are idolaters and go to hell when they die. Believing yourself to become a god is idolatry, as there is only one God.
Today’s Inspiration (01/17/2023)
It is vital to be an example in the faith of Jesus when it comes being around our children. Do not keep this love for the Lord to yourself.
Today’s Inspiration (01/16/2023)
Remember the works of God, even when times are hard. Think about all the wonderful things He has done for you and your family. Paul Gee / January 16, 2023 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (01/15/2023)
The truth is, Jesus died for our sins, is the last high priest, leads His church on earth, and is the greater tabernacle. Paul Gee / January 14, 2023 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (01/14/2023)
God should be feared in this society, but instead people walk in their own ways and don’t care what He thinks.
Today’s Inspiration (01/13/2023)
Because people don’t care for God, they reject Jesus completely. Therefore, they don’t do God’s will and there are consequences.
Today’s Inspiration (01/12/2023)
God steps in to help us when it is necessary. Sometimes people have to learn their lesson the hard way by persecuting God’s people.
Today’s Inspiration (01/11/2023)
God is good to those who seek Him with a clean heart. They know Him and He then does many great things in their lives.
Today’s Inspiration (01/10/2023)
Every kindred, tongue, and nation, shall bow down before Jesus. On bended knees shall they confess that Jesus is Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/09/2023)
Praise be to Jesus who died for our transgressions! Christ, the anointed Messiah, God, and King.
Today’s Inspiration (01/08/2023)
Life is so precious in the sight of God. Even in the mother’s womb does life begin with God creating us.
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2023)
If you feel troubled, have people pray over you and also pray, make haste. Come to my rescue, for my flesh is weak.
Today’s Inspiration (01/06/2023)
Nobody knew or used the name Jesus, Christ, or gentiles in the Old Testament. The Book of Mormon people were not more important.
Today’s Inspiration (01/05/2023)
Nobody knew or used the name Jesus, or Christ in the Old Testament. The Book of Mormon people were not more important.
Today’s Inspiration (01/04/2023)
The Book of Mormon teaches things that are contrary to what the Bible has already said. It is found all over this book.
Today’s Inspiration (01/03/2023)
The Bible states that all the sons of King Zedekiah were killed. However, the Book of Mormon says a son survived. Both can’t be right.
Today’s Inspiration (01/02/2023)
Israel become a nation again. This included the stick of Judah and Joseph, not a people that left Israel to America.
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