God’s Wrath is Upon The Disobedient

The things that were previously mentioned concerning the people of Jerusalem also apply to us. We will not get a free pass just because we say we believe in Jesus.

God Helps Us Love

When God’s love comes into our lives, our desires are flipped upside down. Instead of wanting so much, we instead give what we can.

Marriage Vows

My question is, if you feel like the love in your marriage is over or dormant right now, wouldn’t it be great if those trying times were over?

Going All In For Your Spouse

The same love that God has instilled in your marriage, this love can pull you out of the hard times you are in now.

Marriage, Where Is The Romance?

As Jesus’s love comes into a person’s life, everything changes. Not only is our relationship with Him increased but our relationship with our spouse is also elevated like never before.

Care For Those We Love

Even in the midst of the love that Solomon’s wife showed towards Solomon, there is someone greater that cares for each one of us. That person is God.

Abortion Is Murder

Please understand that children, unborn or born, are precious in the sight of God. Never ever harm your children unless you desire the wrath of God, this includes abortion.

Marriage On Cloud Nine

God will move you to speak to the very soul of your spouse. You will say things that will move them in a way that will truly impact them.

The Passion In Marriage

Tell your spouse how beautiful they are, on a daily basis. Learn of Solomon when he said, “behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves’ eyes.”

Keep God’s Commandments

If we are seeking God and allowing His love into our lives, then we will love as He loves. However, our own love is temporary and does not make a lasting difference in a person’s life.

Rest In Jesus

There is nothing like being surrounded by the presence of God. Once you’ve experienced such peace and tranquility, you won’t help but go back to the Lord.

Life Is A Gift From God

As parents, we repent, as we also teach our kids, for if we neglect this opportunity we know there will be consequences come judgement day.

Do Not Celebrate Halloween

Those that are being led by God can see what is wicked and what is righteous. Everything that is of the world is made crystal clear to them.

The Love Of Money Is Evil

The more money a person has, also comes many foolish thoughts and decisions, if God is not involved.

God’s Wisdom Gives Us Guidance

Paul said that those that drink to get drunk will not inter the kingdom of God but instead be shutout. The same can be said for those people that are into drugs or sexual sin.

Be Humble Like A Little Child

We learn that heaven is among those people that are humble. They are not proud and sinful in their own ways, but ever learning and following God’s will.

Jesus Spoke To Me

Jesus came to me, when I could not sleep. He called my Name and immediately brought peace to my body and soul.

Foolish Or Wise

If foolish people would be open and hearken to the message of the gospel, then they would see how gracious God really is.


We’ve learned that participating in a holiday that has a demonic background is wrong. This is like playing with fire.

The Realization Of A Fool

For a person to become saved, they need to first realize that they are a sinner and need Jesus. Without their need for a Savior, they will continue to be lost until death.

Time Is Short, Live In God’s Love

The life we have been given from God is not meant to be dull but instead, full of life. If you think that being a Christian means not having fun in life, then you are mistaken.

The Time Of Death

It is not worth wasting your time doing frivolous things that will not help you but only deter you when it comes to your salvation.

Be A Light

The people that have known us from the past, won’t help but see something different about us, if we are indeed a follower of Jesus.

Utah Mission Trip (10/08/18)

What is true is the Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and not Gethsemane, as the Bible teaches. That Deacons are to have one wife like Bishops, as the Bible teaches.

Utah Mission Trip (10/07/18)

Why is it that God cursed the white people of the Book of Mormon and caused them to have black skin when the God of the Bible doesn’t care about the outside appearance?

Utah Mission Trip (10/06/18)

We shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with him, particularly the importance of the cross and how Jesus paid the price for our sins.

Utah Mission Trip (10/04/18)

I pray that many people will come to faith and for those that have known God, will come back to Him. We give this trip to God.

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