The Fruits Of The Spirit
Our belief in God is the first step of following Him. Our openness to God allows Him to pour into us and give us wisdom.
Our belief in God is the first step of following Him. Our openness to God allows Him to pour into us and give us wisdom.
Paul mentioned that there is a difference with somebody that is born again in the Spirit than someone that is living in the flesh.
With all things good from God, there will always be the majority of people that reject it. Because they are foolish, they cannot see the value of learning from God.
There are many people that think they are doing God’s will but are really leading people astray. Many of these same people do not even teach on obeying God’s commandments.
If you are for God, then you will help those in need and never laugh at people’s problems. Instead, love and care for every person you meet that has difficulties.
To the unbeliever and all those that are involved with a false church, it is so important to repent and be made right with God today.
When we no longer wish to fall under temptation and sin, that is God drawing us to Him. It is His power that helps us defeat Satan in his trickery.
Be Leary about attending any Bible study where prayer is not emphasized. We never want to be led astray by men and women’s own understanding avoid from God.
To receive salvation in Christ is to believe, while showing fruits. This can also be through repentance and good works that God does through us.
Please know that Jesus is so willing to help us, when we put forth effort. We must dine with Him, as sinners did when He was on earth.
I remember when I first kissed my wife, for I was on cloud nine. Immediately, my heart was full of love towards my future wife.
Once we all realize that that sins, mentioned in the Bible, are wrong, it is good to turn from it and repent.
If you are involved with witchcraft in any way, repent today before it is too late. This can involve giving up watching movies or TV with witchcraft in it.
Since Jesus and the Father are both considered God, then to worship them both is good. It is good to worship the Father and Jesus, our Lord.
When a person is no longer ruling over the land, because of their own ambitions, but for the good of the people, there is peace.
Do you not know that God is our creator? He truly has power over all things. Therefore, He has the power to forgive you of all your sins.
This new way of life, through Christ Jesus, helps us know what is good and what is evil. Because the Bible is so plain about these things, we are able to better choose what is right.
Only through God can we be safe in this life. Through Him and His Words, in the Bible, we can know what is truth and be led safely on His path, that leads to heaven.
The early church members are a great example of how a Christian ought to live a life for Christ. When I say ought to, it means desire to live righteously and get off of the path of wickedness.
The more we seek the Lord in prayer and the Bible, our faith will grow stronger. We will not be like some, where “cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts.
As the Bible teaches, adultery, fornication and pornography is not tolerated with God and therefore, these people will feel the wrath of God in judgement, lest they repent.
The Lord gives us the peace we need to carry on. He ushers in gladness into our hearts, though times can be hard.
This parable is not just talking about one man, it is talking about the millions of people that are also like this man.
There are different destinations for a person that lives in the ways of the world and a person that lives in the ways of the Lord God.