Making Evil Good And Good Evil
As Isaiah said, becoming intoxicated has consequences. The reward is losing out on the righteousness of God in our lives.
As Isaiah said, becoming intoxicated has consequences. The reward is losing out on the righteousness of God in our lives.
Speaking of John the Baptist, Jesus said that “there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist.”
If you believe in God, then also understand that He has your back. If you desire to live for Him, He will be with you always, as you seek Him.
Every person that walks apart from God will be in trouble come judgement day. They will hear the words, “I never knew you”.
John bore witness of the light of Christ. He “was a man sent from God” and prepared the way for the Lord.
So let us refocus our attention on Jesus, and read more about His glorious birth, this Christmas season.
After arriving at Elizabeth’s place, in the “city of Juda”, she “saluted Elisabeth” to get her attention. Then, after hearing her greeting, “the babe leaped in her womb.”
If there was one thing I wish all the world could know is that Jesus can change their lives. They may think that they don’t need Him, for they are content with what they know and have, but they are wrong.
At the time of John’s birth, the immediate family were in the room and wanted to call the baby Zacharias but Elizabeth said no, and that his name would be John.
So what are you going to do with your life? Are you going to continue in your sins or walk in the light of Christ?
Speaking of giving, when we give what we have to those that have not, then it is not only doing God’s work but also brings a special feeling in the heart of the giver.
Along with Abraham and David, there were other key people to note in the line of Jesus’s descendants. One person of importance was Solomon.
We learn that Jesus was called Emmanuel, for He is God with us. And surely the Lord God was with them and will forever be with us.
Because we live in a wicked and adulterous generation, many people have an issue with repentance.
700 years after Isaiah, the prophesy of Immanuel was fulfilled. Unto Mary, and her husband Joseph, did the Lord Jesus come into this world.
As I was sitting there, awaiting my just punishment, a peace and warmth came over me. I didn’t understand what was happening and why.
So with all prophesies, they need to be tested, in order to know if they are true. So we test the prophesy given to Micah with the coming of the Lord Jesus.
What happened here, on this fateful day, was a fulfilled prophesy that dated back to the days of Rachel and Jeremiah.
So to answer this question on who Immanuel was or meant to be, we will read from a portion of Isaiah, chapter 8.
And the only person we know that could be born of a virgin is God. Only He could make this miracle take place.
Our Lord God did come as the prophesy was made. Jesus was born of Mary and Joseph, whom was a descendent of David.
As the people of God did not obey His counsel, God’s wrath and judgements were upon their shoulders.
If you are among such people that are known for drinking wine and other strong alcoholic drinks, then beware for your soul, for it is at stake.
It is God that would move us to love one another as He loves us. Without such love in our lives, there Is no true faith.
Those that are freed from bondage will forever be protected and have no more need to fear, for the Lord God will be with them.
The Lord does not allow any form of wickedness in His kingdom. So if your lifestyle is contrary to God, I ask that you humble yourself and repent.
Think about the gay festivals, parades, bars, TV and movies. Their evil deeds are everywhere and they do not hide their feelings for one another.
The day of our Lord God will be a great day for those that waited on Him and therefore were made righteous through their faith.
While the Lord Jesus comes to rule and reign on the earth, His laws will be established. Every nation will be under His control.