Following Jesus Brings True Joy
The Lord teaches us to follow Him and do His will. We are weak but He makes us stronger. Each day that we seek Him we are able to do good works through Him.
The Lord teaches us to follow Him and do His will. We are weak but He makes us stronger. Each day that we seek Him we are able to do good works through Him.
The Holy Spirit has given me the passion to share His love with the world. Jesus asked me to follow Him and I finally listened. He has given me the passion to share His truth.
The word of God says to not be backbiters. How can we attack another if we love God. Slandering another person’s character is against God’s nature.
When our eyes are opened to the goodness of God then it will become clear that He is real. That Jesus is the way to eternal life.
Many times I felt lost and broken inside. God felt very distant. Often times, this was when I wasn’t reading God’s Word, or in sin.
This evening was surely a gift from God. Its purpose was to listen to others. Lend an ear and bear each other’s burdens.
The Lord’s prayer surely is a roadmap we can all use in our daily prayer life. Also know that Jesus wants a sincere heart in prayer.
Before I knew God, the words of the Bible had no meaning to my life. I never understood what it all meant and only saw it bringing to light my sins.
If your heart isn’t for God then you are against Him. It is a terrible thing to be on the opposite side of God in judgement.
When you feel glad, praise the Lord. Lift up the name of Jesus in song and worship. God does so much for us.
God is calling out everyone that is living in sin to repent. This prideful lifestyle has no part in the kingdom of God.
Walking through the festival you could feel an eerie feeling inside. These people are truly in need of the Lord in their lives. They are so lost and don’t even realize it.
After that meeting ended, Jaron, Victor and I went into a prayer room with the other guys that were evangelizing. Upon entering, I introduced Victor to them all.
The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.
In judgement, I will be anxiously awaiting my time with the Lord. I love Jesus with all my heart and can’t wait to be with Him.
God’s message of hope is for all mankind. It is being proclaimed to all the world, by people like you and me, if they might have ears to hear.
Let this be the day that you begin your journey on the Lord’s path. If you are not familiar with the commandments of God, become familiar today.
There is no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ. The words of the Bible are our guide. Those that read God’s word daily will know the way.
Even if one person’s life was given over to the Lord then there was victory. So many people’s lives were impacted tonight, one way or another, in so little time.
Each of us poured out our hearts to God. I thanked God for His mercy. I thanked the Lord for giving these people open hearts to talk to us.
There is no one else that can do a work like Jesus can for our lives. He is our comforter when all seems lost. He overcomes the darkness and shines bright to guide us.
Tonight, I was visiting my mom, at her assisted living facility, when I saw this older gentlemen standing outside. He looked down and depressed.
This prophecy of Jesus coming down in the flesh is essential to our salvation. It is so important that we understand the importance of His life and death on the cross.
God’s words are vital to our salvation in God’s Kingdom. They give us the daily nourishment and spiritual growth we need.
As Keven and I were standing by this bar, a women was looking out the window from upstairs. Upon looking at her, I waved a gospel tract at her.