
Utah Mission Trip (09/30/21)

Today, being the first day of our trip to Utah, I spent some time talking with Judah. He is a wonderful man of the Lord, of which offered to let us stay at his house over the course of this trip. I love his and his wife’s heart for the Lord. After some time talking with them, I picked up Luis from the airport. Patrick’s flight was delayed so I won’t be picking him up until tomorrow. The discussion I had with Luis was wonderful and I could tell he was very excited to share the gospel with Mormons and anyone else who had an ear to hear the truth of God. This has been my desire each time I come to Utah. There have been many people that we have reached with the gospel message of the cross and resurrection, which we give God praise for. It has been mainly Patrick and I going out to Utah twice a year, but at times like this trip we were happy to have Luis join us in these efforts in God’s harvest. As Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35)

My focus today has been on seeking the Lord. How God has been helping me understand through the Holy Spirit that we need to learn to hate sin. Otherwise, we cannot enter heaven when we die. This is because sin is not allowed in heaven and allowing a person who enjoys sin won’t work out in any way or fashion. Even the appearance of evil should be shunned. This way we will be less likely to fall away from God because of different addictions and bad habits. These are called transgressions against God, of which need to be confessed and forsaken. It also brings in evil spirits, which are very dangerous and bring in strongholds on people’s lives. The enemy does this to a person. Therefore, calling upon the elders of the church to pray over the person will be what the person is needing for healing and any demons cast out. I talked about demonic possession with Luis on this topic also and he totally agrees. It is written, “Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.” (1 Chronicles 16:11)

Luis and I also talked about the Catholic church. How it is very evident that it is rampant in idolatry. This is easily seen in the times he went to Mexico. People everywhere have idols of Mary and the saints in their houses. With even candles lit to them. These people pray over these idols at different times of the day, not to mention how the churches out there are decked out in even more idols for Mary and the Saints. There are even sanctuaries for them, where people can bow down and worship them, and also pray for supplication and assistance. This form of idolatry was shunned in the times of the Bible. People even got to the point of finding such idols and destroying or burning them. This is what people need to do now, but it is overlooked as being of no harm, so nothing happens. We also discussed how this could be the last pope, which ushers us into the tribulation period. How each pope is a form of the antichrist. I do believe that the Catholic church is he great whore in the book of Revelation. Amen.

Let us pray:
Oh Lord, thank You for this first day of the mission trip to Utah. Truly, it was an amazing time to visit with Luis, Judah, and his wife. This was a perfect day to start this trip off. The Holy Spirit was felt, along with Your guidance during my travel to Utah and the throughout this evening. Thank You for leading me, Luis, and Patrick into the harvest together. Patrick may not have been with us yet, but His presence is always felt when He is with me. You have done great things through us over these years and I know that this trip will be like the others. What we pray for on this trip and on others is that Mormons will come out of their false religion and unto You instead. This can only happen if You are leading us and not if we are on our own in these efforts. I trust in You, God. Do a mighty work in Your harvest while we are out and about in it. We are only out here to serve You and You alone. Only to see more people be saved and go to heaven. I trust in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.

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