Mission Trip: October 2021

During the days of the mission trip are September 30th till October 5th, I’ll be in Utah. The mission trip will officially begin on Friday morning, October 1st.

Jesus’s Return

When Jesus returns, His wrath will be poured out upon the wicked. The saints will be fighting along with Him in white robes.

False Religions

If you, knowingly are a part of a false religion, then l I ask, and God asks also, for You to come out of it for Christ’s sake.

Our Faith In Jesus Changes Us

The moment you put your trust in Jesus, a life change begins. You are not only saved but are now made different from within.

The Second Beast

In the future, people will need to have a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy or sell, much like the COVID vaccine.

The First Beast

The first beast will rise up into power, although speaking blasphemous things to God and his people. His name will be known soon.

The War In Heaven: Part 2

Lucifer was cast out of heaven and since then has been persecuting Israel and Christ’s church. This will end with Jesus’s return.

The War In Heaven: Part 1

Jesus was born from the lineage of David. He is Christ the Lord. The church is protected from Lucifer, who fell from heaven.

The Two Witnesses: Part 2

God’s two witnesses will be able to breathe fire out of their mouths, cause it not to rain, turn water into blood, and much more.

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