Create In Me A Clean Heart

My heart can often become unclean because of temptation and giving in to it, so I ask God to create in me a clean heart.

God Will Redeem My Soul

God will redeem our souls and bring us into paradice come death. Our spirits will come out of our earthly bodies and the Lord shall receive us.

It Takes Three In A Marriage

It takes three to have a good marriage and to have children raised up correctly. Marriages crumble and fall because the key person, being God, is missing with both, or one of the spouses.

Great Is The Lord

Great is the Lord. It is wonderful to praise Him. Wherever I am, I think upon Jesus and His awesome presence is with me.

Halloween: The Devil’s Holiday

Halloween is the day of the devil. It glorifies Satan and the dark arts. Satanic decorations on houses also glorify the devil.

Clap Your Hands

Clap your hands, all ye people who believe in Jesus, as Lord. The terror of the Lord is real and those who fear Him.

The Lord Is With Us

The Lord is with us, His body of believers. We encompass all the earth and are among many different Bible beleiving churches.

Ask Jesus To Judge You

It is important to ask Jesus to judge us, convict us of our sins, deliver us, and then plead our case before the Father.

Sorrowful For Our Sins

The moment we think we are sin free is when we need to look at ourselves in the mirror to see if we are really in the faith.

Halloween Is So Evil

The darkest and most evil things are done on Halloween. Haunted houses are all the rage, which hold demonic spirits galore.

The Worker Of Iniquity

Transgressions are heavy on people’s hearts, although the wicked like to mask it like it doesn’t exist.

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