Oh Lord, give us a bigger heart to pray for one another. May our lives be that we love one another more than ourselves. May your love come inside of us that others may see. May people grow closer to You by way of our lives. May you be a light to all those that see. Shine bright before us and within us. Never leave our side. Keep us going when things are hard. Keep us safe in Your loving arms. Help us to show kindness towards others. May our thoughts continually be on the welfare of others. May our prayers continually be lifted up towards others. Help us to think about their needs and what You can do for their lives. You do such great things in my life and I know You can do the same for others. I pray that the sick may find healing. That the weak may be strong. That the afflicted might find rest. Thank You for being there for me and my neighbors. I love You so much. You are my Savior. Amen.
Oh Lord, lead us to Your truths and not man’s words. Give us guidance that we may see through the man or woman to know if what they are teaching is of You. Open our eyes that we may know what is false and what is true. I wish to follow You above all men. Lead me out of harm’s way. May false teachers not have any influence over me. Let me know right through them when they deny Your words. When they skip over scriptures in order to teach a specific doctrine let this be known. Give me boldness to point this out to people that are in the wrong. Give me enough confidence in Your words as to point out Your truths. Your Words are true. If any preacher teaches from Your words, may they have the Holy Spirit with them that they not be influenced by their own ideas but You. Lord, I want less of me and more of You. May it always be Your words and not mine. I love You more. Amen.
Oh Lord, lead us far from sin. As we give our lives to You, take all our idolatry, all our addictions, all our lustful desires, and all our unclean thoughts. Point us straight way to You. May your Holy Spirit rush inside of us that we may be strong to resist temptation. Build us up with faith that can resist the devil. Lord, give us courage to fight against what is wrong and live for what is right. Help us live apart from the world and for Your will. May your desires be on our minds consistently. May people be moved to read the Bible daily that they may understand Your will. I pray God, that may more people will understand Your message and desire to live it. To not just ponder the thought of following You but also do so. May we believe in You and show fruits of our salvation. You truly are the Savior and King. You have redeemed me from the fall. I was dead until You came and rescued me. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for saving me. Be with me till the end of days. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for the lost. This includes every church goer that believes in you by word and not deed. Spark a sense of urgency inside of them. These people may seem different on the outside but on the inside they are all the same. Lord, they all need an awakening before their times is up. I don’t want anyone to suffer in hell but find eternal joy in heaven. Awaken these people to an open heart to Your Words. Convict their hearts and minds to follow You. May Your Spirit do a mighty work inside of them. May they know what is sinful and give it all to You. May their hearts be changed from the inside out. Breathe new life into their souls. Bring them to their knees in repentance. I pray that their desires will be conformed to Your light and not in the world. Lead me also in Your ways. Never leave my side. You are the light that guides me. I am forever safe when You are with me. May you ever lift me up when I fall. Have mercy upon me as I am convicted of my sins and come back to You. You are the way. Lead me on Your path to life eternal. My rest is found in Your presence. I love You. Amen.
Thank You God for shining Your love upon me. With open arms you received me when I fell down before You. I was ready to give up my sinful lifestyle to live for You and You came for me. My cries were heard and You gave me peace. My shame was done away and replaced with hope. My guilt was covered in Your love. Though I once lived in darkness You brought me into Your light that I might see. I was so misguided in my choices. My beliefs were so off base but You set me straight. You didn’t force my hand but simply showed me Your ways and they were glorious. The teachings of men cannot stand up to what You have taught me. I love Your words in the Bible. You truly speak to my soul, each day that I read. You have set me on a new course. I am cleansed and sanctified in Your blood. I can clearly think for You are with me. Thank You for guidance and direction. I welcome the day to see You. I can hardly wait to be forever in Your presence. Blessed be Your Name. All praise the King of Glory. I love You. Amen.
Thank You Lord for this magnificent night. It was wonderful proclaiming the good news of Your birth to those on the streets. I loved to share with them how You were born to save us from our sins. Nobody could do such a thing as this but You took it upon Yourself to die for us. Thank You for laying this burden upon Yourself. From the beginning of time, Your birth was prophesied of. People looked to a Savior that could free them from their sins. Oh how they longed for mercy and forgiveness and You came and did it all. We can now find rest from our sins in You. Lord, I give everything to You. Take everything that is displeasing to You and remove it from my heart. I need Your forgiveness. I know Your blood was spilt for me as well. I need Your mercy and grace to sustain me in life. You are what keeps me going strong. You breathe new life into my soul. I thank You for Your birth. I thank You for the cross. Thank You for sacrificing so much that we might be saved. Thank You for leading me tonight. I am grateful to be Your messenger. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I love You. I am grateful to know You. I rejoice, for I am saved from death and destruction. You have saved me from all my sins. My guilt and shame have been swept away because of Your great love for me. Thank You for the cross. Thank You for dying for my sins. Thank You for Your sweet forgiveness and grace. I am so grateful to think of how merciful You have been for me, in my life. I have failed You so many times but You never gave up on me. You continued to come for me and encourage me to live better. I am grateful that You gave me the will power to repent and forsake a life of sin. You have taken out of my life, a lustful flesh and have replaced it with a heart, full of love. Only You could change me from within. Be with me all my days. Until the end, lead me safely home to You. I pray that my family and friends may come to know You. That they may not fear death but rejoice for the day to always be in Your presence. I love You so much. Amen.
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for everything You have done for me physically and spiritually. You have come to my rescue in more ways that I know of. How great is Your love. I am sorry for not acknowledging the great things You do for me, so often. Many times I get caught up in asking and receiving instead of giving thanks for all my many blessings. You have surely blessed me and I should have been more grateful. Lord, forgive me for my faults. I am sorry for not giving You the thanks that You deserve. I am in good health because You are the greater healer. I have a wonderful family, with a wife and kids, who love me. I am saved because of Your grace. What more could I ask for. You are the anchor of my soul. I am so grateful for Your sacrifice on the cross. I am a new person because of Your blood. You are my Savior. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I am grateful to have found You. Thank You for delivering me from the evil deeds of my flesh. I was deep in the waters of sin but You pulled me out. Though I was sunken in shame and guilt you revived my soul. In my prayers, You gave me hope. My confessions were heard and You gave me rest. You had mercy upon me and cleansed my wicked heart. I am so grateful to be saved from death. In all my days, I was never truly happy until I found You. Now, in trials and tribulations, I can still find freedom. Though life is hard, You pull me through the dark times. Your light shines in my life and scatters all the darkness. I am safe in Your arms. I am not alone for You are with me. You carry me through the storms of life and lead me safely home. Thank You for helping me. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for being so patient with me. You are my shield. Temptation will not have its way when You are fighting with me. I am stronger in Your presence. You make me stronger each day. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for leading me this day. My heart desired to share the truths of God with Mormons and You made a way through me. In my own power I did not know how to reach them but through the Spirit, their eyes were opened. You truly do all convicting. I am just a man but with You in my life, I can do all things. You can fulfill Your will through me. Thank You for using me as Your messenger. Lord, help those two men, I talked with. May the seeds that were planted, take root. I pray that they may earnestly seek to know You, through the Bible. Your words are alive and just like me, their eyes can also be opened to Your truths. I trust that You can do all things. Even this very hour, You could set them free and take the veil off their faces. Thank You for leading them to me. Thank You for their openness to listen. I just hope that they do receive You. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I am grateful for this day. It was a pleasure to go out in the harvest and be led by the Spirit. You led us to so many people that were ready to hear the gospel. Two young men were open to Your message and You showed them the way. They had lost their way but I am confident that seeds were planted their lives were impacted. Thank You for leading us to that this woman who was mindful to also listen to Your message. She was fed by Your Spirit and shown the way. Even an older gentlemen, who was angry with the world, was touched by Your message of the prodigal son. His heart was moved because of Your great love for him. Thank You for leading us to these wonderful people. Our prayers were answered. The lost were found and guided back to You, oh Lord. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for leading us, this night. You led us to those ready to receive You. Thank You for the Holy Spirit. We couldn’t have made the impact we did tonight without You. You led us to people ready to receive gospel tracts. People that needed prayer. Those that had ears to hear the gospel. Even two young men were lost but have now been found. They didn’t know how to live for You, but Your Spirit showed them the way. I am grateful for the cross. I am grateful for Your mercy. I confess that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Thank You for dying for my sins. You breathe new life into my soul. I am weak and cannot resist temptation on my own. Only You make me strong to resist. You make us stronger. You give me hope for a better day. You are always there when I need You. Thank You Jesus. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, lead me out of temptation. Make it so the enemy has no power over me. Fight for my cause that I might win the battle. Lead me from the ways of the flesh and into Your light. Help me to live in Your Spirit and understand Your ways. When I fall, pick me back up, when I come to You. Help me to not be consumed in my grief and sorrow. Help me to lay it all at Your feet that I might grow from these experiences. I know what happens when I neglect you for too long. I grow so distant from You that it saddens my soul. I no longer desire to be apart from You. May my desire to read the Bible intensify each day. May my desire to pray increase. You are the way to eternal life. I know what the world offers and it is destruction. I want what continues for eternity and that is Your gifts. I give my life to live for You. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, spark a revival in all the hearts of those that go to church. Set their hearts upon You, not only on a specific day for worship but also during the week. Help them take Your teachings more seriously. Help them know that living for You is a serious act. Help them to no longer play with fire during the week but live in Your light. Lord, I see to many hypocrites that say they believe in You but follow after their own heart. My heart breaks to know that they are living a lie. Move within them, even this very hour. Cause them to repent and forsake a life of sin. I pray that more people desire to worship You more than just one day a week. I pray that You become a priority in all our lives. How often do we put things above You. I know longer wish to give my worship to anyone or anything but You. Take my idols. Take anything from my heart that offends You. Cleanse my heart and wash me from the inside out. You are worth living for. I praise You. I rejoice just to know You. I love You. Amen.
My precious Jesus. You are the reason why I live. Your mercy has set me free. The cross has given me hope for a new day. Thank You Lord. Even those people that crucified You, You said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” There is no one like You. Your love has no bounds. You see right through the person we are and see the person we can be. No matter what we’ve done, You have come to set the capture free. You paid the debt. All You ask is that we come to You. Then You will give us living water. We shall never thirst for You are the giver of all things good. I think of Calvary and the criminal You openly forgave. His life was coming to an end but still You had mercy upon Him. He said, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom,” and You, without even thinking twice, said, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” What amazing love. You are the greatest judge of all. You are the giver of new life. I will never understand Your great love for me. How could You still care for me, after all I’ve done? I used to question You on this a lot but finally I have an answer. You are my Good Father. You have called me in as Your son and have never given up on me. You showed kindness from the start. I may not understand Your true love for me but I will always cherish it. I once forsook You but that time is over. I give my life to You. I lay down my life at Your feet. You are alive! You have risen from the dead and now all mankind can be made alive through You. I love You. Amen.
Jesus, my Savior. Thank You for dying on the cross. Your death and resurrection gives us meaning to life. I am alive because of You. What you have done for mankind will never be forgotten. Your act of obedience to the Father will be cherished for all eternity. What a blessing it is to know that You loved us so much as to die for us. What a wonderful Father, to be willing to offer His son for the sins for the sins of this world. “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” Lord, I am deeply saddened to know that You had to suffer for my sins. Your blood was spilt not just for mankind but because of what I have done. You were scourged because of my transgressions, also. My iniquities were upon Your head. What You have done means everything to me. Your sacrifice moves me to live better. I am in sorrow but so grateful for Your atoning sacrifice. To think that You have “borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows,” is the greatest sacrifice of all. We have gone astray and turned to our own ways, laying this burden upon You. But Lord, You saw this from the foundation of the world. For this You came as a ransom for our sins. “The iniquity of us all” were laid upon You. Everyone, from all generations will forever remember Your great Name. You are the Savior of the world. You are the Son of Man, who paid the price for sins. Your Name will be forever praised. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for never giving up on me. You are so patient. You are so kind. You never gave up on me. You stuck with me through the long hall. Even while I was deep in sin, You continued to call upon my name. It was my stony heart that excluded You for so long. My pride and lustful heart was in the way. In my tears of regret, I came to You and You did not let me down. In my sorrows, Your peace overflowed within me. You still cared for me, though I had let You down, time and time again. I will never understand Your great love for me. Only You could cleanse me from my sins. Only You could free me from my idols. Thank You Lord. I was lost and could not find the way until You put a new Spirit inside of me. Now my eyes are opened that I might see. I can walk in Your ways, for You are there. I am saved by Your grace. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, there is nothing like your mercy. I am so grateful for your forgiveness. I lived so long, apart from Your love. I chose to fulfill the lusts of the flesh instead of following You, but still You came for me. In my final hour of guilt and shame, You came in and rescued me. In my cries, You broke the bonds of iniquity. You did something that I could never do on my own, and that was, free me from my addictions. I was tortured by the temptations of the devil but I had no more need to fear. My faith in You brought me to higher ground. I could now defeat the enemy because You were fighting for me. This is how it is today, oh Lord. You continue to help and support me. You never let me down. I am never alone for You are always there to pick me up again. My faith has grown each day that I pray. Your words are a delight to my soul. I love to learn of You and grow each day in the faith. Your ways are greater. I want more of You and less of me. I love You more. Amen.
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for the cross. I would be so lost if You didn’t pay the price for my sins. I can just imagine how my life would be like if You hadn’t come down to rescue me. I would be stuck in my sinful state. Shame would still be eating at my soul. I wouldn’t be able to do anything but stumble and fall as I try to do better. Lord, You have changed me from the inside out. I am a new person, because of You. Though my life was in shambles, You took it all and restored my life. I have a new outlook in life. I am no longer deterred by the flesh for You reside inside of me. Your light is my guide and I am safe. I rejoice for You did it all. It is all for Your glory that I am any different now. Thank You for all You have done for me and all mankind. I am a simple person in Your plan. Thank You for taking me in. I am amazed by Your mercy. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I praise Your Holy Name. You are the rock of my salvation. You are the reason why I live. I am alive because of You. You have brought me to this place. You have done such great things in my life. You have shown me what it is like to live a life for You. I am so much more happy. Nothing in this world compares to Your great love. How awesome is Your goodness? You are so good to me. I don’t even deserve such love and affection but You still show it, none the less. I am blessed to be in Your presence. Thank You for pulling me out of a destructive lifestyle. I am indebted to You. I will follow You, till the ends of time. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that the enemy will not lead me or others in the faith astray. Don’t let their seductions lure me away into sin. Help me to not be tempted by what pleases the flesh. Help me to remember that true joy comes from living a life in the Spirit. I can feel pleasure in the moment but if it brings guilt and shame, it is not worth it. It is not worth breaking a part the bond I’ve made with You. I do not wish to live a life outside your presence. What the world offers is not worth it, if it leads me to destruction. I know that I was once lost but You found me. I listened to Your voice and You saved me from the fall. I was destined to die in my sins and be confined to hell but You delivered me from death. My life is now free, through the blood of Jesus. Your love has set me free. I can’t wait to make an eternal home with You, in heaven. My soul longs to be in Your presence. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I am so grateful to know You. Thank You for accepting me into Your fold. You speak peace to my mind and give me hope. I come thirsty and You give me drink. I am filled in Your presence. I have no need to look elsewhere for joy, for all I need is You. I need You Lord, above all else. With You in my life, everything else just comes together perfectly. Mold me and help me fulfill my highest potential. I trust in You, oh Lord. You are the Christ, and my heart is yours. Take me for who I am and use me for Your kingdom. May Your light shine bright in my life. Lead me to the lost. If others are thirsty, speak through me, that they may find true joy. I long to have others taste of Your living waters. These people need you and don’t even know it. Open there hearts to accept You into their lives also. I pray that their eyes may be opened as well. You are my greatest delight and I trust that You can help anyone and everyone that comes to You. Lead me Lord. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, let us not be deceived. Let not the religious traditions sway us into following false doctrines. Keep us from following a religion that is corrupt in its teachings. Let us be able to spot those churches and people that trust in man over God. Lord, Your words are enough for me to know the truth. You are my rock and my fortress. I will not be moved, in my faith, to follow the doctrines of men. You are my guide and will lead me into safe harbors. You would never lead me into believing something that isn’t true. You would never mask part of the Word of God as to deceive people into following dark paths. The Holy Spirit confirms that all of Your words are true. I can take what the Bible says as a roadmap. If anyone comes with another gospel I will not be deceived. I pray that anyone on a broad road to destruction would repent. Help them admit that they are lost and need a Savior. Prompt them to read the Bible, that they may know the truth of God. The Word of God will make known the false teachings of men. Thank You for leading me on your straight and narrow gate to heaven. My eyes have been opened. I trust in You above all things. I believe in You for salvation. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, it is a pleasure to commune with You. I love to be in Your presence. I just love to be fed by the Holy Spirit and to know more of You each and every day. Nothing is greater than to be in Your presence. I want less of me and more of You. You are the rock upon which I stand. I will not be dismayed for You will never leave me. I am ready and willing to fight for Your cause. Lord, hear my cries. When there is sorrow, dry every tear. I know You will come to my rescue. People betray me but You will never leave me. I trust in You, Lord. I need Your wisdom. Counsel me if I am ever in error. Show me the way. I don’t want to live outside of Your love. I desire to always be filled by Your presence. Lead me from temptation, oh Lord. Help me to not fall into sin. Cover me with Your holiness. Let Your light so shine within me, oh Lord. May the lost see Your light and come to know You. I love You. Amen.
Prayers: November 2017
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