Accept The True Gospel of Jesus Christ
After death comes judgement and we will be judged for what we knew and denied. Will the Lord accept you in heaven or deny you?
After death comes judgement and we will be judged for what we knew and denied. Will the Lord accept you in heaven or deny you?
To follow any one but Christ alone leads to death. Our eyes must be opened to the Lord lest we fall into dark paths that don’t bear light.
Proclaim the truth to the Lost , like Jesus. Approaching them is not hurtful but loving.
To Jesus I give everything. Nothing is more important than to follow Him.
Comparing the KJV and JST translations, seven was removed and twelve was replaced. Also, seven Spirits of God was removed and twelve servants was replaced.
Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible.
The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life.
If any of you are following a religion that has beliefs outside the Bible I pray that you stop attending. No longer do things that feel comfortable to You but with God.
What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.
In our day, there are many false prophets. They come as godly men but “but inwardly they are ravenous wolves”.
Don’t be deceived by another gospel. We can find all truth in the Bible. Seek the truth and follow God’s counsel.
I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation.